I have a requirement to perform task on tab load.
Like if user clicks on "summary" tab, I need to show an alert after the tab fully loaded. How can we have control over tab load event.
I have a requirement to perform task on tab load.
Like if user clicks on "summary" tab, I need to show an alert after the tab fully loaded. How can we have control over tab load event.
We have another event which can be attached to tabs.
Hi Leah,
As checked, this actually not fulfilling my requirement. I want to have control over tab load event so that I can perform task based on the events occuring on tab load. So basically when the "summary" tab fully loaded, that's when I want to perform task.
Hi Krishna,
You can add js as web Resource and add it to tab OnChange event.
Here are steps.
1.Go Settings > Customization > Customize the System > Web Resource to click new button.
js code:
function FormLevelNotification(executionContext) { var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); formContext.ui.setFormNotification("Example of an ERROR notification. ", "ERROR"); formContext.ui.setFormNotification("Example of a WARNING notification. ", "WARNING"); formContext.ui.setFormNotification("Example of an INFORMATION notification.", "INFO"); }
2.Go Settings > Customization > Customize the System > Entities > Forms.
(1) open one main form and click Form Properties to open a dialog.
(2) click Add button to add js that just created.
(3) Under Event Handlers, select ‘Summary’ as control and add the js, then double-clcik it to open Handler Properties dialog.
3.Save and publish.
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