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How to check why Date and time settings different between UAT and Prod

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We have a UAT and PROD instance as our data source, I have a power bi report that connect to them.  When I pull the data over to BI, the date and time fields from prod are offset to UTC time which from what i read is normal.  However, The same BI report that also pulls from UAT (same table and field), the date and time does not offset, the date and times are the same as it is in dynamics.  

Since I am using the same Power BI file to connect to these two data sources, I can rule out that it's not in the BI side that is causing this and it is from the Dynamics end.  I checked the timezones that are set in Dynamics on both instances, and they are set to the same timezone.  So Why am I pulling the date and times over and is offsetting differently?

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    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: How to check why Date and time settings different between UAT and Prod


    Please refer to the following post.

    (+) Convert UTC date format into local time format in Power BI - Microsoft Dynamics CRM Community

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