We have created roles within D365 and they have been assigned to users and are working well.
In addition, we'd like to grant some power users access to browse the underlying tables to which they have access using the appropriate link - example below:
Rather than extend the 'Sales order creation' role we've created, for example, I'd like to create a new 'Table browser' role, and assign that to each of the power users.
I created the role and assigned the 'Open table browser' privilege to the new role. I then assigned the table browser to a user with the sales order creation role, but they were unable to browse the table and got an error when entering the link in their browser:
"You are unable to navigate directly to this menu item systablebrowser".
I have tried adding the new table browser role to other users with wider access but still get the same problem.
The only users that appear to be able to use the table browser link appear to be those with System Administrator role.
Has any one else experienced this problem or can someone confirm that it is only System Administrator users that are able to use the table browser link?