I know that it should be possible to validate the max weight per location during the putaway process. But I don't find the correct setup for this.
i receive 20 pcs of item X with NetWeight 12 kg
the locations to store this item have a max weight of 100 kg.
So the putaway work should be split.
- 8 pcs to location 01 (96kg)
- 8 pcs to location 02 (96kg)
- 4 pcs to location 03 (48kg)
But my putaway work is putting the 20 pcs on location 01...
Location profile:
Location Directive:
I receive the item with Load receiving:
On receiving this load via the scanner, putaway work is created:
If this work is processed, the 20 pcs are stored on that location, but the current weight on the location is not updated: