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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...
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The Purchase Line does not exist

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Hello Everyone

I'm having the following error when I try to post a purchase order:

The Purchase Line does not exist. Identification fields and values: Document Type='Order',Document No.='870428',Line No.='50000',

But there is no line 5000 the purchase order only has until 4000, the last time I had this error I wrote something in the line error and deleted it but in this case, doesn't work. I appreciate it If anyone can help me with this error.


  • Suggested answer
    Amit_Sharma Profile Picture
    Amit_Sharma 2,545 on at
    RE: The Purchase Line does not exist


    Pls check Purchase Comment Line table.


    Amit Sharma

  • RE: The Purchase Line does not exist

    Yes, it was the customization.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 77,970 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: The Purchase Line does not exist

    Hi, I think this is a problem caused by customization.

    Please uninstall all custom extensions and try again.

  • RE: The Purchase Line does not exist

    I'll check it, however, we also check if the customization that we have maybe is causing this error.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Omar K Profile Picture
    Omar K 195 on at
    RE: The Purchase Line does not exist

    I see,

    There is something with the configuration package, First confirm that the last line in the configuration package is not the last line in that PO, if it is then be sure to select that line and delete the line, not just clear the cells.

    If not, then check that the configuration package fields are validated so if something is wrong the configuration package will error.


    I am trying to discover the source of the problem so it doesn't happen again, for now, try to delete the PO and re-create it.

  • RE: The Purchase Line does not exist

    Yes, we create the PO using the configuration package to do it by "batch"  and sometimes do manually.

  • Omar K Profile Picture
    Omar K 195 on at
    RE: The Purchase Line does not exist

    Deleting the PO will delete the related lines.

    But I am thinking why is this happening? How the PO was originally created as you said this is the second time?

  • RE: The Purchase Line does not exist

    I checked the purchase line with edit excel and checked with the configuration package but I don't see the record only four lines are related to the document.

    Do you recommend deleting the PO and creating a new one?

  • Omar K Profile Picture
    Omar K 195 on at
    RE: The Purchase Line does not exist

    The way I see it is the following:

    - There is a "bad" record related to that PO.

    - Why is this happening as it is the second time, This leads me to a question, how that PO was created?

    - You can also search for "Purchase Lines" and then try "Edit in excel" can you see the records?

    - Another way to check the record, create a configuration package for table 39 and export it to excel, can you see the record?


  • RE: The Purchase Line does not exist

    I checked table 39 but I still see only four lines. Deleting the PO is the last option that we want to do, so we are searching for another possible solution.

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