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Conversion of amount from digits to amount in words

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Hi All,

Am trying to convert amount from digit to words into words in Al. I have followed the link below but am getting lost somewhere in the middle. Am I supposed to access report 1401 and copy the two procedures or by mere declaration (which I can't understand) can sort me out?.

Also is there any other alternative?

Kindly assist. 

  • Romryan Profile Picture
    Romryan on at
    RE: Conversion of amount from digits to amount in words

    In addition I had to declare NoText too.

  • Verified answer
    tanya07 Profile Picture
    tanya07 1,535 on at
    RE: Conversion of amount from digits to amount in words


    As per this mentioned post , this is calling(declaration) those two methods in a custom report from a standard report 1401 which has the definitions of the methods ( InitTextVariables , FormatNoText)

    Custom Report:




    AmountVendor:= ROUND("Purchase Header"."Amount to Vendor",0.01);

    RepCheck.InitTextVariable;  //calling method 1 from report 1401

    RepCheck.FormatNoText(NoText,AmountVendor,"Purchase Header"."Currency Code"); //calling method 2 from report 1401




    For an alternative you can try this -

    Hope this helps :)



    Please verify the answer if it answers your query.

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