I am trying to do an Inventory Transaction with a Multi-Entity company and am getting the following error:
Opening source query...
Establishing source record count...
Beginning integration...
DOC 1 ERROR: Sql procedure error codes returned:
Error Number = 1581 Stored Procedure= taIVTransactionLineInsert Error Description = The Transaction Qty passed in is <> to what was passed into the taIVTransactionSerialInsert proc or the taIVTransactionLotInsert proc
Node Identifier Parameters: taIVTransactionLineInsert
IVDOCNBR = ADJ00000000000001
ITEMNMBR = 57894-030-01
Related Error Code Parameters for Node : taIVTransactionLineInsert
TRXQTY = 1.000000000000000
Can anyone point me in the right direction. This company is multi-entity with a script added to the integration, and the items do have serial numbers.
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