If we have a Customer that is also a Vendor in Business Central, can these two records be linked? Or would we need to create separate companies in both Customers and Vendors?
If we have a Customer that is also a Vendor in Business Central, can these two records be linked? Or would we need to create separate companies in both Customers and Vendors?
Thanks for your detailed response Jeff. This is a good solution and will definitely suffice.
You need to create them in both Vendors and Customers, but they can be linked via Contacts.
Create your customers, this will automatically create a 'Company' contact for each one.
Go to Business Relations for the Company Contact, Add a new Business Relation Code of e.g 'VENDINFO', (can't use the standard 'VEND' one)
Then, create a business relation for this contact with a code of 'VENDINFO', a Link-to table of 'Vendor' and select your Vendor code.
Now, from the Vendor Card, you can do Vendor > Contacts and see the related Customer Contact.
And from there get to the customer card
You could even set this contact as the 'Contact' for your vendor.
It's not perfect, and the link doesn't work as well the other way around, but a few small mods around this concept would give you a really neat solution.
that is not possible in standard bc, that needs a customization.
e.g. an additional infobox in the customer card with according vendor details and/or the possibility to add a discount row in sales invoices with invoice data from the according vendor, if the same company has outstanding bills aso. in the first step it would helpful for you the add the vendor's oustanding bill sum as new field on the customer card and vice versa.
If we have a customer that is also a vendor and there outstanding invoices on both the credit and debit accounts, how would we go about doing contra postings?
this is only an information.
there is no concrete connection opportunity to link a customer and a vendor in bc.
why do you need that in detail? whats your aim?
Does this link them in BC though? Or does it just allow people to see that there is an accompanying vendor/customer record that they can search for themselves if they open it?
simply create the company as customer and as vendor. thats needed, because the sales and purchase processes must be handled correctly.
then add the company's vendor no. to the customer comments and vice versa.
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