RE: How to Switch User's manager in GP
If you're talking purchase requisitions through our Workflow functionality built into Dynamics GP, then that is using Windows AD accounts and that is all it uses. So, for the approval manager depending on the user that submits the requisition for approval, it would be looking at the submitter, and then looking in Active Directory to see who that user has listed as the direct manager, skip level managers, etc., depending on how you have the workflow setup....
For the direct manager, that is usually listed in Active Directory in the properties of that AD user it's looking at to determine who needs to approve the requisition.
For skip level managers, it would start with the direct manager of the submitter in AD, then find that manager's manager and so on, until it gets the level it needs, depending on what is setup on the workflow step via Workflow Maintenance.
This is true whether using desktop client or web client, for Dynamics GP.