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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

Another process has already added the Detail item. The system will automatically Cancel your changes.

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Screen: 04.250.00 (Purchase Order)

System Message 6908:
Another process has already added the Detail item. The system will automatically Cancel your changes.


In  a Purchase Order there are already details and I want to add a new detail then I get the system message 6908.
I cannot add anything. I found a workaround by deleting all the purchase order details, save the PO then add everything again. But this workaround is difficult if there are more than 10 records per PO.

Any help please.

*This post is locked for comments

  • CFROTON Profile Picture
    CFROTON 4,710 on at
    RE: Another process has already added the Detail item. The system will automatically Cancel your changes.

    Hello Luanne,

    I will research your issue and see if I can find a cause.

    Best REgards,

    Jana MacDonald

  • John_Joyce Profile Picture
    John_Joyce 1,040 on at
    RE: Another process has already added the Detail item. The system will automatically Cancel your changes.

    Thank you for these details, this is exactly what I needed to resolve this issue.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Another process has already added the Detail item. The system will automatically Cancel your changes.

    I got this error on The Voucher and Adjustment Entry Screen, it the transaction detail grid area. This screen is customized, and I am on version 2015CU2

  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Another process has already added the Detail item. The system will automatically Cancel your changes.

    The SQL that is presented as a fix is not a complete solution. It works if there were no other modifications to the PO. If the PO had some lines deleted previously or if the bulk insert executed without properly updating the PURCHORD.LINECNTR column correctly. (I have seen SQL Server do this many times, the code is fine, but randomly it skips updating a column on the table.) By using the above SQL it will update based on number of records but not the actual Line counter stored in the database. This will totally screw up alot of POs (in my case it would have been over 19,000) with the wrong LineCntr value.


    1) Run this select statement first;


    h.PONbr, h.LineCntr,


    From PurchOrd h Left Outer Join PurOrdDet d On h.PONbr = d.PONbr

    Where h.PONbr = <EnterPONumberHere>

    Order by d.LineRef Desc

    2) The top row will show what the header thinks is the next free line number as LineCntr. But the LineRef will show a larger number (usually one more than the LineCntr but not always.)

    3) Run the following update statement to correct; (Use Begin Transaction and Rollback or Commit as appropriate.

    Update PurchOrd Set LineCntr = <EnterLineRefFromFirstRowAbove> Where PONbr = <EnterPONumberHere>

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Another process has already added the Detail item. The system will automatically Cancel your changes.

    Just wondering here - I see the update statement suggested here.  I am having the same issue.  Not sure if I should be correcting the code or does this update fix the problem going forward.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Another process has already added the Detail item. The system will automatically Cancel your changes.

    A quick correction to Edward's SQL script which fixes the bulk insert related issue:

    update PurchOrd set LineCntr = isnull((select count(*) from purorddet where purorddet.ponbr = purchord.ponbr), 0)

  • Edward McGovern Profile Picture
    Edward McGovern 340 on at
    RE: Another process has already added the Detail item. The system will automatically Cancel your changes.

    Too late to help you but this may help someone in the future.

    There is a field in PurchOrd called LineCntr, if it is less than the number of rows for the po in purorddet for that given po then it will gen this error by trying to assign the wrong linenbr and line ids to it. 

    so run:

    update PurchOrd set LineCntr = isnull((select count(*) from purorddet where purchord.ponbr = purchord.ponbr), 0)

    and that should clear it up


  • Ram Peru Profile Picture
    Ram Peru 2,830 on at
    RE: Another process has already added the Detail item. The system will automatically Cancel your changes.

    Hi ZaiZai,

    Thanks again!

    Now the issue has been resolved right.



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Another process has already added the Detail item. The system will automatically Cancel your changes.

    Hi Perumalsamy,

    There is no trigger function during insertion but a violation of inserting a record that already exist through the index key PurchOrddet0 (ponbr, linenbr).


  • Ram Peru Profile Picture
    Ram Peru 2,830 on at
    RE: Another process has already added the Detail item. The system will automatically Cancel your changes.

    Hi ZaiZai,

    Thanks for the information. I want to know that is there any Trigger functions during the PurOrdDet table insertion.



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