I wanted to run this by some of the smart people here. What I am trying to do is recreate a payment in the PM historical tables. The situation now is that the user had some sort of hiccup (?) when posting a batch of Manual Payments and then kept trying to post it again, got batch recovery errors, and just tried to keep posting it until the batch got stuck in "posting" status. I got it out of that status following the KB steps, but it appears that this batch was already posted in part, somehow.
Basically, that batch only had 2 manual payments. The end result was that one of the payments made it through with no problem. The other one managed to somehow get posted into the open and the history table. So transactions by vendor was giving strange errors trying to build that temp table to populate the form because of duplicate keys.
Where we stand now is that the GL is fine, the payment was recorded. The invoice shows that it is paid on the vendor account. Drilling into the apply to part to see what payment was applied returns a blank screen, but no error messages. The payment is not listed in the inquiry by vendor. It is just gone. The payment is listed in the checkbook to clear for bank rec.
Drilling into that payment record from the GL journal entry inquiry returns, "this document no longer exists or....."
Checklinks and reconcile are not doing anything for me.
I basically want to rebuild that payment in SQL so it shows up in inquiry. What I wanted to do was copy (figuratively) the one successful record that posted out of the two of them had for information with the exception of some of the key fields. I know the document number it should be, the dates, what to apply it to, but wanted to confirm the tables that I need to use.
So far I have come up with:
PM00400 - PM Keys
PM30200 - Historical/Paid Transactions
PM30300 Apply To History
Possibly PM 30600 - GL Distributions - but I think this might be for cosmetic purposes
I am hpping after I get this stuff in, I can run Checklinks / Reconcile and it might help me and recreate some stuff I might have missed.
Does this sound like a feasible solution, or an I crazy for trying this?
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