We have tried assigning default dimension values to specific Items, but those dimension values are not flowing through to sales orders. This particular dimension is our Global Dimension 1. We've tried CODE SAME and CODE MANDATORY, but the value on sales orders default to the department dimension value on the header of the sales order - I assumed that it would be over-written if we assigned a default dimension on the Item card?
Do you have any Dimension Priorities setup? Search for Dimension Priorities. Priorities dictate rules.
Dimension settings on the Item is the screenshot in my question - I have the Department dimension populated with a value of '15' with CODE MANDATORY. I've also tried CODE SAME. But the value of '15' isn't flowing through to my line with the Item on the Sales Order.
On the Item Card, what are your Dimension settings?
When I view the dimension set entries for the line of the item, it shows Dept 10, even though I assigned Dept 15 as the Default on the Item card.
On your Sales Order, Sales Line, when you enter any Type the Dimensions on that No. value will be inserted into the Sales Line Dimension for that Line. After you inserted the Item, when you click Line/Related Information/Dimensions what is shown?
Hope this helps.
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