Hi Experts,
I met an issue. When I transfer a back order to order. The TRXFREQU in SOP10100 about this new order was updated to 1.(The frequency in Sales Document Detail Entry) But the Allow Repeating Documents check box is not checked in SOP Setup for this order type.
When I use Econnect to update this sales order, it will return the error :
Error Number = 9284 Stored Procedure= taSopHdrIvcInsert Error Description = The Allow Repeating Documents check box is not checked in SOP Setup for the DOCID, a value other then 0 for Repeating, Frequency, Times to Repeat, or Quote Days to Increment can not be used.
It was caused because TRXFREQU has been changed to 1 in DB. But the Frequency in the user interface was disabled, it should be 0 in DB.
Why this field was changed?
Could anyone please help on this issue ?