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Teams linked to Security Groups created via Local AD or AAD are unable to have queues assigned to them

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Hello Dynamics people,

our team have been tasked with finding a more efficient way for our service desk to handle Dynamics team membership, as well as permissions and access to shared views/dashboards.

The obvious solution, that appears to work up to a point, is as follows:

  • Create a security group in Local AD (We are tied to local AD at the moment)
  • Locate the Object ID once this synchronises to Azure AD
  • Create a Team in Dynamics as type AAD Security Group - link this via the Object ID obtained in the above step
  • Assign the new Team relevant security roles

This works really well on the face of it - the user/s are added into the AD group, in time it synchronises through, and as long as they have a licence they are then able to access the environment, and any views/dashboards that are shared with the dynamics team.

The massive blocker we seem to have hit, is that Office Group, or Security Group teams do not get created with a default queue, AND you cannot create one.

These teams will all, without exception, require a queue.

Does anyone know differently?

Frustratingly it seems like even though the above solution will be a timesaver of sorts, there will effectively need to be two teams, one a normal team with a queue attached, and one a security group with views/dashboards/attached & security roles attached.

Is it possible you could add the security team as a member of the 2nd team - I think this is likely not a possibility sadly.

It's rather frustrating, as it is on the brink of being a really efficient, and perfect way of managing access, and pretty much every major aspect of dynamics for our users, but seems to be let down by the fact that the queue is not an option.

I'm assuming this must be a fairly frequent route that people go down, so would be keen to hear if I am hopefully very wrong, or if anyone has found a way around it, or to achieve similar functionality.



  • Dan_B Profile Picture
    Dan_B 19 on at
    RE: Teams linked to Security Groups created via Local AD or AAD are unable to have queues assigned to them

    Thanks for the reply Daniel (good name by the way!)

    I latterly found a post where someone had a reply from MS to say it was by design but that if they wanted to put an idea forward it migt get looked into. Seems that idea was put forward about 18 months ago though, and no movement so far.

    Glad to hear I am not totally nuts and that the dual team setup could be a viable solution.

    Thanks again :-)

  • Suggested answer
    PerezAguiar Profile Picture
    PerezAguiar on at
    RE: Teams linked to Security Groups created via Local AD or AAD are unable to have queues assigned to them

    Hey Dan.

    So far, this is by design.  Originally, the AAD Security teams were intended as Access teams, while Queues are intended for Owner teams.  Due to this, AAD security teams can't be assigned the queue.  However, I would open a support request to Microsoft asking for this, and to check for workarounds.  So far, the one you're proposing (2 different teams) make sense.


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