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Excel giving error for repair after getting created

Posted on by 5

I have created an excel with two sheets and the excel is getting created successfully, but when i open it it ask to repair the excel. I have used open xml librar

EntityCollection CMSInput = service.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(fetchCMSInputQuery));
                tracing.Trace("Start Plugin time:"   DateTime.Now.ToString());
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                SpreadsheetDocument xl = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(ms, SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook);
                WorkbookPart wbp = xl.AddWorkbookPart();
                WorksheetPart wsp = null;
                    wsp = wbp.AddNewPart();

                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(ex.ToString());
                Workbook wb = new Workbook();
                FileVersion fv = new FileVersion
                    ApplicationName = "Microsoft Office Excel"

                tracing.Trace("Worksheeet Created");
                Worksheet ws = new Worksheet();

                //First cell
                SheetData sd = new SheetData();

                Columns columns = new Columns();
                columns.Append(CreateColumnData(1, 3, 23.5703125));
                columns.Append(CreateColumnData(4, 5, 14));
                columns.Append(CreateColumnData(6, 20, 18));

                UInt32Value row_count = 1;
                Row row1 = new Row() { RowIndex = 1 };
                //Row rowEngagement = new Row() { RowIndex = 1 };
                //CreateHeaderEngagement(service, rowEngagement, 1, ms, wb, xl, sd, ws, wbp, wsp, fv, engagementName);
                CreateHeader(service, row1, 1, ms, wb, xl, sd, ws, wbp, wsp, fv);
                int MainCountFlag = 1;
                int RowIndexCountFlag = 2;
                EntityCollection filtered = new EntityCollection();
                foreach (var engagement in CMSInput.Entities)

                        engagementName = "ABC";
                        var ss = new byte[] { };
                        row_count = Convert.ToUInt32(RowIndexCountFlag);// Convert.ToUInt32(MainCountFlag 1);
                        row1 = new Row() { RowIndex = Convert.ToUInt32(RowIndexCountFlag) };

                        Cell c2 = new Cell();
                        c2 = new Cell
                            CellReference = "A"   row_count,
                            DataType = CellValues.String,
                            StyleIndex = 1,
                            CellValue = new CellValue("123")

                        Cell c3 = new Cell();
                        c3 = new Cell
                            CellReference = "B"   row_count,
                            DataType = CellValues.String,
                            StyleIndex = 1,
                            CellValue = new CellValue("245")

                        Cell c10 = new Cell();
                        c10 = new Cell
                            CellReference = "C"   row_count,
                            DataType = CellValues.String,
                            StyleIndex = 1,
                            CellValue = new CellValue("245")

                        ss = new byte[] { };
                        if (MainCountFlag == CMSInput.Entities.Count)
                            ss = CreateExcelDoc(service, row1, 1, ms, wb, xl, sd, ws, wbp, wsp, fv, false, ws, wsp, sd);
                            //ss = CreateExcelDoc(service, row1, 1, ms, wb, xl, sd, ws, wbp, wsp, fv, true);

                            ss = CreateExcelDoc(service, row1, 1, ms, wb, xl, sd, ws, wbp, wsp, fv, false, ws, wsp, sd);
                            //ss = CreateExcelDoc(service, row1, 1, ms, wb, xl, sd, ws, wbp, wsp, fv, false);


                        RowIndexCountFlag  ;

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        tracing.Trace("Exception ss"   ex.Message);

                    MainCountFlag  ;

                    tracing.Trace("MainCountFlag ss"   MainCountFlag);
                    //if (MainCountFlag != 0)


                WorksheetPart wsp1 = null;
                    wsp1 = wbp.AddNewPart();

                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(ex.ToString());
                Worksheet ws1 = new Worksheet();
                //First cell
                SheetData sd1 = new SheetData();
                row1 = new Row() { RowIndex = 1 };
                CreateHeader(service, row1, 1, ms, wb, xl, sd1, ws1, wbp, wsp1, fv);
                MainCountFlag = 1;
                RowIndexCountFlag = 2;
                foreach (var engagement in CMSInput.Entities)

                        engagementName = "ABC";
                        var ss = new byte[] { };
                        row_count = Convert.ToUInt32(RowIndexCountFlag);// Convert.ToUInt32(MainCountFlag 1);
                        row1 = new Row() { RowIndex = Convert.ToUInt32(RowIndexCountFlag) };

                        Cell c2 = new Cell();
                        c2 = new Cell
                            CellReference = "A"   row_count,
                            DataType = CellValues.String,
                            StyleIndex = 1,
                            CellValue = new CellValue("123")

                        Cell c3 = new Cell();
                        c3 = new Cell
                            CellReference = "B"   row_count,
                            DataType = CellValues.String,
                            StyleIndex = 1,
                            CellValue = new CellValue("245")

                        Cell c10 = new Cell();
                        c10 = new Cell
                            CellReference = "C"   row_count,
                            DataType = CellValues.String,
                            StyleIndex = 1,
                            CellValue = new CellValue("245")

                        ss = new byte[] { };
                        if (MainCountFlag == CMSInput.Entities.Count)
                            ss = CreateExcelDoc(service, row1, 1, ms, wb, xl, sd, ws, wbp, wsp, fv, true, ws1, wsp1, sd1);
                            //ss = CreateExcelDoc(service, row1, 1, ms, wb, xl, sd, ws, wbp, wsp, fv, true);

                            ss = CreateExcelDoc(service, row1, 1, ms, wb, xl, sd1, ws1, wbp, wsp1, fv, false, ws1, wsp1, sd1);
                            //ss = CreateExcelDoc(service, row1, 1, ms, wb, xl, sd, ws, wbp, wsp, fv, false);


                        RowIndexCountFlag  ;

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        tracing.Trace("Exception ss"   ex.Message);

                    MainCountFlag  ;

                    tracing.Trace("MainCountFlag ss"   MainCountFlag);
                    //if (MainCountFlag != 0)

                public byte[] CreateExcelDoc(IOrganizationService service, Row r1, UInt32Value rowcount, MemoryStream ms,
            Workbook wb, SpreadsheetDocument xl, 
            SheetData sd, Worksheet ws, WorkbookPart wbp, WorksheetPart wsp, FileVersion fv, bool Upload,
            Worksheet ws1, WorksheetPart wsp1, SheetData sd1)
            byte[] dt = null;
            if (Upload)

                wsp.Worksheet = ws;
                wsp1.Worksheet = ws1;
                //New Changes 

                WorkbookStylesPart wbsp = wbp.AddNewPart();
                //// add styles to sheet                
                Stylesheet stylesheet1 = new Stylesheet() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "x14ac" } };
                wbsp.Stylesheet = stylesheet1;//CreateStylesheet();

                Sheets sheets = new Sheets();
                Sheet sheet = new Sheet
                    Name = engagementName,
                    SheetId = 1,
                    Id = wbp.GetIdOfPart(wsp)
                Sheet sheet2 = new Sheet
                    Name = "Input",
                    SheetId = 2,
                    Id = wbp.GetIdOfPart(wsp1)


                xl.WorkbookPart.Workbook = wb;
                dt = ms.ToArray();

                Entity note = new

                note["subject"] = "Summary Report";

                note["filename"] = "SummaryReport.xlsx";

                note["documentbody"] = Convert.ToBase64String(dt);
                note["objectid"] = new EntityReference("cr493_exportdatatoexcel", SummaryId);
                var attachmentId = service.Create(note);



            return dt;

        public void CreateHeader(IOrganizationService service, Row r1, UInt32Value rowcount, MemoryStream ms, Workbook wb, SpreadsheetDocument xl, SheetData sd, Worksheet ws, WorkbookPart wbp, WorksheetPart wsp, FileVersion fv)

            Cell c1 = new Cell
                CellReference = "A2",
                DataType = CellValues.String,
                CellValue = new CellValue("Request type"),
                StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)3U

            // Second cell
            Cell c2 = new Cell
                CellReference = "B2",
                DataType = CellValues.String,
                CellValue = new CellValue("Confirming Party"),
                StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)3U

            // Third cell
            Cell c3 = new Cell
                CellReference = "C2",
                DataType = CellValues.String,
                CellValue = new CellValue("Confirming Party Contact"),
                StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)3U

            // Fourth cell



  • Sunny kumar Profile Picture
    Sunny kumar 5 on at
    RE: Excel giving error for repair after getting created

    Hi, my issue is resolved now , i just set StyleIndex = null and removed all the styling

  • Suggested answer
    Arunraj Rajasekar Profile Picture
    Arunraj Rajasekar 1,729 on at
    RE: Excel giving error for repair after getting created


    I recently encountered a similar problem, which turned out to be an issue with the office application. Is your other office application, such as Word or Outlook, experiencing a similar problem?

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