Hi, I am looking for a supported way in CRM 2016 and above to display a "Please wait while processing .." message while some time-consuming JS script is being executed. I googled the question but I found some code which manipulates the DOM and I am sure that is not supported. If you can point me to some code to analyze and specially how can I call it so the message is hidden after the JS process is complete, I would appreciate it a a lot.
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As an example:
in your sync/async JavaScript code you could call Alert.showLoading() first, and after job is done you could Alert.hide() to hide that window.
Thanks Thomas. I was testing it and I am able to load the message calling the alerjs function but I am not sure about the correct way to hide it. Do you have a working example of how to properly use alerjs functionality for my scenario?
You can use Alert.js
I do not think this access any of the DOM elements in the form.
Hi Xavier,
You could try this out https://alertjs.codeplex.com/
Its not a supported option but works with 2016 and above.
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