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Very weird stats for our emailing : are we doing something wrong ?

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Posted on by 188

We have sent our first significant emailing, and stats of openers / clickers don't make sense. 

We have many clickers clicking all the links at the same time (same exact second). And I can't find those email addresses in the list of openers !

26 000 clicks for 8000 openers, and this email has just one significant link (others are the usual facebook / twitter / linkedin logos in the footer). 

Did any of you notice the same kind of problem ? 

  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Very weird stats for our emailing : are we doing something wrong ?


    There is no better solution at the moment than those replied to in the link I provided.

    You can try to raise a support ticket for further help.

  • FrancoisT Profile Picture
    FrancoisT 188 on at
    RE: Very weird stats for our emailing : are we doing something wrong ?

    Yes, it's bot activity (the security system testing all the links, probably). I don't know if I'm "glad" to see that other companies have the same problem though :-P Especially as I don't see there any simple solution to filter them out.

    A filter on the number of click on a specific link would not be bad, but it's not 100% reliable. The fact that there is no "opened email" for those fake clicks is a much stronger idea, but can I easily filter on "clicks from contacts who have opened the emails" ?

  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Very weird stats for our emailing : are we doing something wrong ?


    It may be caused by bot activities.

    Please refer to the following solutions.

    Dealing with bot activity in email insights - Dynamics 365 Marketing Forum Community Forum

    (+) Filter out bot activity from email insights - Dynamics 365 Marketing Forum Community Forum

  • FrancoisT Profile Picture
    FrancoisT 188 on at
    RE: Very weird stats for our emailing : are we doing something wrong ?

    no, what I mean is that in the list of clicked email links, I have tons of results where the same person clicked several links of the email, at the same time (which is not possible of course). There are clearly too many of those, it's not just one or two persons. Its the majority of results in this list.

    And those persons are NOT in the list of Opened emails. They clicked everything but they didn't even open the email :-)

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Very weird stats for our emailing : are we doing something wrong ?


    Do you mean that the email address in the following screenshot cannot be shown?


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