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Event management (custom registration, description field)

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Hi everyone

I have some questions regarding the Event Management: 

  1. The description field, that is shown on the Event page before registering, isn't editable. It always is shown in plain text without the paragraphs that are used in the description. Is there a solution for this? Or a workaround?

    event creation = pastedimage1588860784797v1.pngin event page =  pastedimage1588860854071v2.png
  2. Within the  newest April 2020 release, you'll have the option to select a custom marketing form (of the type Event Registration) to be shown on the Event page. But when selecting this, you lose the opportunity to select if your event 'Allows anonymous registartions'. So I don't see how I can 'close' down my event to only known contacts who have a user or got an invitation. 
    pastedimage1588861190701v3.png or when you select the 'marketing forms' pastedimage1588861215458v4.png

Thank you for your feedback

Kind regards

Nils Vanbever

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Event management (custom registration, description field)

    Hi Nils,

    Could it work for you?



  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Event management (custom registration, description field)

    Hi Nils,

    1. This is because event page will directly output Description field into text format.

    We could add a simple inline customization code to source code of the event page to render description with paragraphs.

    In event.component.html, add style='white-space:pre-wrap;' inline attribute to parent event-description-container element,

    then the text will be automatically wrap.



    Above method is how to customize in downloaded event sample file, due to I only have trial marketing application, which couldn't integration with portal,

    so please find the page file by yourself.

    note: there is a little issue: if I start text from first line, the rendered text will somehow be:

      this is a text

    Will it work?

    A strange white space will appear.

    so I instead start text at second line:


    But text still looks like starting from first line when I move out cursor from the input area.


    2. As the documentation introduced, "use marketing form for registration" is designed to embed event registration forms with customized layout into any CMS, which means we set a public external web site for unknown contacts to join our event. 

    If you would like to only allow known contacts to attend events, please keep on working with standard event registration form.



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