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Filtered lookups - "Users can turn off filter" checked, but does not seem to work

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If I check the "Users can turn off filter" on a filtered lookup field on a form, the functionality isn't working in Unified Interface - it allows me to nominally 'Change View' to e.g. All Active, but then returns no records for me to select or search in.

The same field on the same form works as it used to on classic web interface - User can correctly uncheck 'filter by related..' in the Lookup Record dialogue.

Is this a longstanding recognised issue does anyone know?  Thanks!

  • BeckF Profile Picture
    BeckF 30 on at
    RE: Filtered lookups - "Users can turn off filter" checked, but does not seem to work

    Thanks for that Henry, appreciated!

  • Verified answer
    Henry J. Profile Picture
    Henry J. 5,237 on at
    RE: Filtered lookups - "Users can turn off filter" checked, but does not seem to work

    Hello Beck,

    I'm still around :)

    This is currently a feature gap our product team has identified and are working on.
    In the meantime, you can use the classic designer to toggle that option.


  • BeckF Profile Picture
    BeckF 30 on at
    RE: Filtered lookups - "Users can turn off filter" checked, but does not seem to work

    Hi Henry, if you are still there hope you're well!  I apologise I never saw this response back in 2019.  It was the ability for users to turn off the filter I was missing from lookups on the new UI forms, but it appears this was added 6 months later (a year ago now!) according to the next relevant blog: and now works great for the end user in the new UI.

    However, revisiting this on a different project, during build in form designer I noticed on an existing lookup field that I can't see where in the properties you would set this 'User can turn off' option (can't see an equivalent Related Records filtering section), so I had to go back to classic to do this.  Do you know if this is an identified gap in the new form designer, or is it me missing something somewhere?  Screenshots below.  Many thanks! 


  • Suggested answer
    Henry J. Profile Picture
    Henry J. 5,237 on at
    RE: Filtered lookups - "Users can turn off filter" checked, but does not seem to work

    Hi Beck,

    There was a similar issue in that thread, would that solve your issue?

    Because Filtered Lookups are supposed to work properly.

    Also, have you enabled Early Access to the Release Wave 2 (it's going to be all enabled on all orgs during the month of October for those who haven't enabled it yet).
    This comes with enhancements on how Lookup work:


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