Our customer recently added a new database to GP 2010 and posted a transaction, which shows fine in GP trial balance. The company is setup in MR and the user has logged into it and saved their credentials. They have added the new company to the company tree which is being used on the report definition for their balance sheet. A column is set up for each company (5 total) and a grand total for all 5.
I checked the row and the GL accounts posted to are listed.
I checked the columns and made sure the correct reporting unit is assigned to each column.
I checks the tree and made sure the correct database/company is listed.
I changed the company name in the report definition to ANY.
I tried to run the report just using the new company and it stopped saying something like it could not find a unit.
As the report starts to run with the full tree, it produces states an error message of DAE01 within the report results after generating and no data shows for the new company.
The version of MR os 2.0.1700.31. I am planning to have the upgraded to RU3 - will that resolve this issue?
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