Why is crm discovery svc and crm meta data svc are used?
What is the difference between both?
Please help me understand with examples
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Why is crm discovery svc and crm meta data svc are used?
What is the difference between both?
Please help me understand with examples
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In addition,
Discovery service are useful when you are working with multiple organization and get the details of organization.It provides information such as the organisation friendly name, URL endpoints, unique id, version, unique name, URL name, and the current state (whether it is enabled or disabled).
you can find below sample how to use discovery service to retrieve organization.
Here are answers:
There is no metadata svc. It was available in 4.0 and deprecated in the next, 2011 release. At the moment there is only Organization Service service. You can find description here - docs.microsoft.com/.../use-microsoft-dynamics-365-organization-service
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