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How can we verify whether the purchase order confirmation has been sent to the vendor?

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We currently send our purchase orders to vendors through the print section. However, we're now seeking a simpler method to verify whether we've indeed sent the order confirmation to the vendor.

We've identified three potential solutions internally, but none of them meet our requirements:

1. Utilizing the 'No. Printed' column: This column tracks the number of times a document has been printed or send. However, it's not a reliable indicator of whether the order confirmation has been sent, as printing the document also increments the count.

2. Cross-referencing the purchase order overview with the 'sent emails' page: While this method could verify whether the confirmation has been sent, It's too time-consuming to perform this check on a daily basis.

3. Automatically sending the order confirmation when the order status is 'released': Unfortunately, our BC version lacks the necessary capabilities for this feature, and we don't use applications like 'flow'.

Are there any alternative suggestions?
  • Verified answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 75,595 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    How can we verify whether the purchase order confirmation has been sent to the vendor?
    Hi, if you want to avoid customization, you can consider using the existing standard fields, such as Your Reference, and manually write "Sent" after each send. This field can also be added to the list page.
    Hope this helps.
  • gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 12,920 Most Valuable Professional on at
    How can we verify whether the purchase order confirmation has been sent to the vendor?
    I was certainly going to tell you that you can relate it to the released status, it is what would allow you to identify the mentioned status without resorting to coding.
    Best Regards
  • Osvaldo Rossi Profile Picture
    Osvaldo Rossi 25 on at
    How can we verify whether the purchase order confirmation has been sent to the vendor?
    You could extend the Purchase Header table adding a new column to mark or count the times the PO was sent by email.
    After creating the column you could subscribe to the following event:
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Database::"Document Sending Profile", OnAfterSendVendor, '', false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterSendVendor(var Sender: Record "Document Sending Profile"; ReportUsage: Integer; RecordVariant: Variant; DocNo: Code[20]; ToVendor: Code[20]; DocName: Text[150]; VendorNoFieldNo: Integer; DocumentNoFieldNo: Integer; DocumentSendingProfile: Record "Document Sending Profile");
    This event gets executed after any document is sent to a vendor.  You can check if conditions are met and increment the corresponding record counter for the corresponding PO.
    Hope this helps.
    Kind regards,

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