Anyone know what this field is used for? The documentation is a little vague. It's stored as an integer and I found this function DYN_FUNC_Tax_Schedule_Source that tells me what the value means. We are changing tax calculation software and are trying to cleanup some of our customizations and integrations. Based on orders that we have created and out setup we will set ours to 2.
select dbo.DYN_FUNC_Tax_Schedule_Source(1) returns "Using Site Schedule ID"
select dbo.DYN_FUNC_Tax_Schedule_Source(2) returns "Using Ship To Schedule ID"
select dbo.DYN_FUNC_Tax_Schedule_Source(3) returns "Using Single Schedule"
select dbo.DYN_FUNC_Tax_Schedule_Source(4) returns "Schedule ID Empty"
select dbo.DYN_FUNC_Tax_Schedule_Source(5) returns "Schedule ID Not Found"
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