Hi experts,
I have one requirement in which I have to play around with all the orders that have been created via Ecom Site. In order to implement this feature, I found these two tables from DBO schema that could be used.
- SalesTable
- RetailTransactionTable
As the SalesTable is in the DBO schema, I created a view in EXT schema that combines records from both tables, but when I deployed it to LCS it threw an error invalid object name SalesTable.
Since we cannot directly fire queries on DBO schema with an extension script, I thought a view in EXT schema might be helpful.
Below is the demo query that I used to create a view.
Create View EXT.Demo as( SELECT SALESID AS ID FROM [DBO].SALESTABLE ) GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[ext].[Demo] TO [UsersRole] GO GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[ext].[Demo] TO [DeployExtensibilityRole] GO
I have basically two queries:
- Is there a way use data from DBO schema in CRT extension scripts?
- What tables in AX schema can I use to fetch the records for sales order?
Aman Soni