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GDPR consent level linked with Newsletter field on contact

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Hi Dynamics Experts, 

I have a theoretical question Is it possible to link GDPR consent lvl 3 with Newsletter field that is on Contact - External Contact - Marketing?

What I am thinking about is creating a form, where there would be a possibility to subscribe to Newsletter. Therefore there would be a Newsletter field. We would also include text under this field stating, that if they subscribe to the Newsletter, they would automatically give us GDPR consent lvl 3. What would be a best practice to reflect this on the Contact page? I am thinking about maybe two options:

1. Having a workflow, which would link Consent lvl 3 with Newsletter, so when the contact would subscribe to Newsletter, Consent lvl will be automatically updated

2. Having a Customer Journey, which would change the consent lvl on Contact automatically. So if the Contact subscribes to Newsletter, it will enter this customer journey and it would update the consten given on contact page. 

Is there a possibility to make this work, or would it better to just keep Newsletter subscription and Consent level separate and just have an error stating "To be able to subscribe to Newsletter, you need to give us consent lvl 3" or something?

Thank you so much for any input

All the best


  • Suggested answer
    Petit Hibou Profile Picture
    Petit Hibou on at
    RE: GDPR consent level linked with Newsletter field on contact

    Hi MaiElorym,

    you can use consent level field and ask customers about it eg on subscription center page. In this case, you can provide them with guidelines on what each consent level means or recommend to select level 3 to receive newsletters (keep in mind that consent model is hierarchical and if they select eg level 4, they will also consent to level 3). Subscription center will also allow your customers to select which of the newsletters they want to receive.

    This consent level can be used as "minimum consent level" to enter a customer journey.

    Another way (can be used separately or combined with the first one) is to use "do not bulk email" field in subscription center. The values of this field and "Allow email" are automatically checked by customer journey before an email is sent. "Do not bulk email" basically equals to level "marketing". Many customers consider newsletters as promotional emails and thus use level 4 or "do not bulk email" to check if a newsletter can be sent



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