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Error generating deployable packages: Netmodule file missing

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Hello Team ,

When generating package after upgrading ISVs to 10.0.31 (PU55) version, I get below error in 'Generate package' step in the build pipeline.

Error generating deployable packages: Netmodule file missing:Dynamics.AX.<ISVModule>.1.netmodule

Has anyone encountered this issue?

Thank you,


  • Suggested answer
    S Gopi Krishna Profile Picture
    S Gopi Krishna 392 on at
    Error generating deployable packages: Netmodule file missing
    We tried to move our code base and ISV solutions from 10.0.30 to 10.0.33 and we were stuck with this error when building the code using the DevOps Pipeline.
    After further investigation, we identified a few unnecessary .netmodule files that exist in the bin folder from the previous deployments of the ISV solution where we have to remove them manually from the code base which resolved the build pipeline issue. Also, make sure the clean sources option is set to true in the Get Sources task of the DevOps build pipeline.
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,966 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Error generating deployable packages: Netmodule file missing

    My experience is that installing a model deletes old files (as it should), therefore I get a set of adds, updates and deletes to commit.

    If it doesn't work in your case, you indeed can use the workaround you described.

  • deepakkb Profile Picture
    deepakkb 92 on at
    RE: Error generating deployable packages: Netmodule file missing

    Hello Martin,

    It a binary module. So the isv package is how we received it. There were more files in earlier version from them and newer version has less number of files. PU55 is throwing above error for these additional files. So ISV package was completely removed, checked in the removal and then reinstall newer package. This worked for us.

    Am I then correct in saying that the best way to install a ISV package is always to delete current version from source control (and in dev box) and reinstall rather than installing over the current version?

    Thank you for your responses. I appreciate it.

    Thank you,


  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,966 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Error generating deployable packages: Netmodule file missing

    If I understand it correctly, you had wrong files for the ISV module in source control.

    If it's a binary module, it wasn't caused by wrong compilation, because you can't compile the module. You don't have source code to compile. It had to be caused by a wrong upgrade, when some files should have been deleted and weren't.

    If it isn't a binary module, you shouldn't have these binaries in source control at all. Version source code only, not binaries built from source code.

  • deepakkb Profile Picture
    deepakkb 92 on at
    RE: Error generating deployable packages: Netmodule file missing

    Hello Martin,

    I am genrating deployable package though Build machine. I am getting these errors from ISVs products rather than customization modules. It seems like earlier versions of ISVs products packages have been generated through VS and not from build pipeline as I can see there are far more additional files in installed isv product than in new version ISV product.  For example:




    So I removed ISV product completely , checked in the deletion, Reinstalled newer version of ISV product. Now build has gone through successfully.

    Moreover, these additional files did exist when packages were build in PU51 version. I still dont get any error when I try now. It looks like MS has added additional check in newer PU version (PU55 for me). I am surprised that no one else has got this issue. Since ISV packages are not incremental, installing from scratch ( not over existing ISV version) should be be safe. What is your best practice to install ISVs? installing over an existing or deleting existing version and installing afresh?

    Thank you,


  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,966 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Error generating deployable packages: Netmodule file missing

    As the very first thing, I would recompile the module.

    How are you generating the deployable package? If you do it in the wrong way, locally in Visual Studio, note that it may be caused by any problem on that particular machine. You should rather use a build server.

    (Thread moved from Dynamics 365 General Forum.)

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