RE: Error generating deployable packages: Netmodule file missing
Hello Martin,
I am genrating deployable package though Build machine. I am getting these errors from ISVs products rather than customization modules. It seems like earlier versions of ISVs products packages have been generated through VS and not from build pipeline as I can see there are far more additional files in installed isv product than in new version ISV product. For example:
So I removed ISV product completely , checked in the deletion, Reinstalled newer version of ISV product. Now build has gone through successfully.
Moreover, these additional files did exist when packages were build in PU51 version. I still dont get any error when I try now. It looks like MS has added additional check in newer PU version (PU55 for me). I am surprised that no one else has got this issue. Since ISV packages are not incremental, installing from scratch ( not over existing ISV version) should be be safe. What is your best practice to install ISVs? installing over an existing or deleting existing version and installing afresh?
Thank you,