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Report for Multiple Tables

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I am getting this errors:
The property value '/Customer No./ = field(/No./)' on property 'DataItemLink' is not valid.
The property value '/Cust. Ledger Entry No./ = field(/Entry No./), /Customer No./ = field(/Customer No./)' on property 'DataItemLink' is not valid.
The property value '/Sell-to Customer No./ = field(/No./)' on property 'DataItemLink' is not valid.
The code is:
I will appreciate the help:
report 50129 /Report for multiple tables/
    //Make the report serachable fro Tell me
    UsageCategory = Administration;
    ApplicationArea = All;
    //Use RDL layout
    DefaultLayout = RDLC;
    //Specify the name of the file that the report will use
    RDLCLayout = 'MyRDLReport.rdl';
        dataitem(Customer; Customer)
            //Sort table view based on the No. field
            DataItemTableView = Sorting(/No./);
            //Include the No. field in the filter tab
            RequestFilterFields = /No./;
            //print data only if at least one of the CustLedgerEntry and sales header items generates output
            PrintOnlyIfDetail = true;
            column(No_Customer; /No./)
                //Include the caption of No. field
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(Name_Customer; Name)
                //Include the caption of No. field
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(Phone_Customer; /Phone No./)
                //Include the caption of No. field
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(Address_Customer; Address)
                //Include the caption of No. field
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(EMail_Customer; /E-Mail/)
                //Include the caption of No. field
                IncludeCaption = true;
        dataitem(CustLedger; /Cust. Ledger Entry/)
            DataItemTableView = sorting(/Entry no./);
            // Set a filter on the child data item, **CustLedgerEntry** to select only the records where the
            // value of `Customer./No./` field and the `/Customer Ledger Entry/./Customer No./` field matches.
            DataItemLink = /Customer No./ = field(/No./);

            column(EntryNo_CustLedgerEntry; /Entry No./)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(CustomerNo_CustLedgerEntry; /Customer No./)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(PostingDate_CustLedgerEntry; /Posting Date/)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(DocumentType_CustLedgerEntry; /Document Type/)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(DocumentNo_CustLedgerEntry; /Document No./)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(Description_CustLedgerEntry; Description)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(CurrencyCode_CustLedgerEntry; /Currency Code/)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(Amount_CustLedgerEntry; Amount)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(OriginalAmtLCY_CustLedgerEntry; /Original Amt. (LCY)/)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(RemainingAmtLCY_CustLedgEntry; /Remaining Amt. (LCY)/)
                IncludeCaption = true;
        dataitem(DetCustLedger; /Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry/)
            DataItemTableView = sorting(/entry no./);
            DataItemLink = /Cust. Ledger Entry No./ = field(/Entry No./), /Customer No./ = field(/Customer No./);
            column(EntryNo_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Entry No./)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(EntryType_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Entry Type/)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(PostingDate_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Posting Date/)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(DocumentType_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Document Type/)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(DocumentNo_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Document No./)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(AmountLCY_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Amount (LCY)/)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(TransactionNo_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Transaction No./)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(JournalBatchName_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Journal Batch Name/)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(DebitAmountLCY_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Debit Amount (LCY)/)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(CreditAmountLCY_DetailedCustLedgEntry; /Credit Amount (LCY)/)
                IncludeCaption = true;
        dataitem(SalesHeader; /Sales Header/)
            DataItemTableView = sorting(/Document Type/, /No./);
            DataItemLink = /Sell-to Customer No./ = field(/No./);
            column(DocumentType_SalesHeader; /Document Type/)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(No_SalesHeader; /No./)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(PostingDate_SalesHeader; /Posting Date/)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(PricesIncludingVAT_SalesHeader; /Prices Including VAT/)
                IncludeCaption = true;
            column(Amount_SalesHeader; Amount)
                IncludeCaption = true;
        //These labels will be used later as captions in the report layout.  
        Sales_Document_Caption = 'Sales Documents';
        Total_Caption = 'Total';

  • Verified answer
    Steven Renders Profile Picture
    Steven Renders 5,051 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    Report for Multiple Tables
    Your data items are not linked, they are after one another, so you are doing a union instead of a join.
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 73,565 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Report for Multiple Tables
    Hi, you can refer to the following standard examples.
    report 113 "Customer/Item Sales":
    namespace Microsoft.Sales.Reports;
    using Microsoft.Inventory.Item;
    using Microsoft.Inventory.Ledger;
    using Microsoft.Sales.Customer;
    using Microsoft.Utilities;
    using System.Utilities;
    report 113 "Customer/Item Sales"
        DefaultLayout = RDLC;
        RDLCLayout = './Sales/Reports/CustomerItemSales.rdlc';
        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
        Caption = 'Customer/Item Sales';
        PreviewMode = PrintLayout;
        UsageCategory = ReportsAndAnalysis;
        DataAccessIntent = ReadOnly;
            dataitem(Customer; Customer)
                PrintOnlyIfDetail = true;
                RequestFilterFields = "No.", "Search Name", "Customer Posting Group";
                column(STRSUBSTNO_Text000_PeriodText_; StrSubstNo(PeriodTxt, PeriodText))
                column(COMPANYNAME; COMPANYPROPERTY.DisplayName())
                column(PrintOnlyOnePerPage; PrintOnlyOnePerPageReq)
                column(Customer_TABLECAPTION__________CustFilter; TableCaption + ': ' + CustFilter)
                column(CustFilter; CustFilter)
                column(Value_Entry__TABLECAPTION__________ItemLedgEntryFilter; "Value Entry".TableCaption + ': ' + ValueEntryFilter)
                column(ItemLedgEntryFilter; ValueEntryFilter)
                column(Customer__No__; "No.")
                column(Customer_Name; Name)
                column(Customer__Phone_No__; "Phone No.")
                column(ValueEntryBuffer__Sales_Amount__Actual__; TempValueEntryBuffer."Sales Amount (Actual)")
                column(ValueEntryBuffer__Discount_Amount_; -TempValueEntryBuffer."Discount Amount")
                column(Profit; Profit)
                    AutoFormatType = 1;
                column(ProfitPct; ProfitPct)
                    DecimalPlaces = 1 : 1;
                column(Customer_Item_SalesCaption; Customer_Item_SalesCaptionLbl)
                column(CurrReport_PAGENOCaption; CurrReport_PAGENOCaptionLbl)
                column(All_amounts_are_in_LCYCaption; All_amounts_are_in_LCYCaptionLbl)
                column(ValueEntryBuffer__Item_No__Caption; ValueEntryBuffer__Item_No__CaptionLbl)
                column(Item_DescriptionCaption; Item_DescriptionCaptionLbl)
                column(ValueEntryBuffer__Invoiced_Quantity_Caption; ValueEntryBuffer__Invoiced_Quantity_CaptionLbl)
                column(Item__Base_Unit_of_Measure_Caption; Item__Base_Unit_of_Measure_CaptionLbl)
                column(ValueEntryBuffer__Sales_Amount__Actual___Control44Caption; ValueEntryBuffer__Sales_Amount__Actual___Control44CaptionLbl)
                column(ValueEntryBuffer__Discount_Amount__Control45Caption; ValueEntryBuffer__Discount_Amount__Control45CaptionLbl)
                column(Profit_Control46Caption; Profit_Control46CaptionLbl)
                column(ProfitPct_Control47Caption; ProfitPct_Control47CaptionLbl)
                column(Customer__Phone_No__Caption; FieldCaption("Phone No."))
                column(TotalCaption; TotalCaptionLbl)
                dataitem("Value Entry"; "Value Entry")
                    DataItemLink = "Source No." = field("No."), "Posting Date" = field("Date Filter"), "Global Dimension 1 Code" = field("Global Dimension 1 Filter"), "Global Dimension 2 Code" = field("Global Dimension 2 Filter");
                    DataItemTableView = sorting("Source Type", "Source No.", "Item No.", "Variant Code", "Posting Date") where("Source Type" = const(Customer), "Item Charge No." = const(''), "Expected Cost" = const(false), Adjustment = const(false));
                    RequestFilterFields = "Item No.", "Posting Date";
                    trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
                        ValueEntry: Record "Value Entry";
                        EntryInBufferExists: Boolean;
                        TempValueEntryBuffer.SetRange("Item No.", "Item No.");
                        EntryInBufferExists := TempValueEntryBuffer.FindFirst();
                        if not EntryInBufferExists then
                            TempValueEntryBuffer."Entry No." := "Item Ledger Entry No.";
                        TempValueEntryBuffer."Item No." := "Item No.";
                        TempValueEntryBuffer."Invoiced Quantity" += "Invoiced Quantity";
                        TempValueEntryBuffer."Sales Amount (Actual)" += "Sales Amount (Actual)";
                        TempValueEntryBuffer."Cost Amount (Actual)" += "Cost Amount (Actual)";
                        TempValueEntryBuffer."Cost Amount (Non-Invtbl.)" += "Cost Amount (Non-Invtbl.)";
                        TempValueEntryBuffer."Discount Amount" += "Discount Amount";
                        TempItemLedgerEntry.SetRange("Entry No.", "Item Ledger Entry No.");
                        if TempItemLedgerEntry.IsEmpty() then begin
                            TempItemLedgerEntry."Entry No." := "Item Ledger Entry No.";
                            // Add item charges regardless of their posting date
                            ValueEntry.SetRange("Item Ledger Entry No.", "Item Ledger Entry No.");
                            ValueEntry.SetFilter("Item Charge No.", '<>%1', '');
                            ValueEntry.CalcSums("Sales Amount (Actual)", "Cost Amount (Actual)", "Cost Amount (Non-Invtbl.)", "Discount Amount");
                            TempValueEntryBuffer."Sales Amount (Actual)" += ValueEntry."Sales Amount (Actual)";
                            TempValueEntryBuffer."Cost Amount (Actual)" += ValueEntry."Cost Amount (Actual)";
                            TempValueEntryBuffer."Cost Amount (Non-Invtbl.)" += ValueEntry."Cost Amount (Non-Invtbl.)";
                            TempValueEntryBuffer."Discount Amount" += ValueEntry."Discount Amount";
                            // Add cost adjustments regardless of their posting date
                            ValueEntry.SetRange("Item Charge No.", '');
                            ValueEntry.SetRange(Adjustment, true);
                            ValueEntry.CalcSums("Cost Amount (Actual)");
                            TempValueEntryBuffer."Cost Amount (Actual)" += ValueEntry."Cost Amount (Actual)";
                        OnAfterGetValueEntryOnBeforeTempValueEntryBufferInsertModify("Value Entry", TempValueEntryBuffer);
                        if EntryInBufferExists then
                    trigger OnPreDataItem()
                dataitem("Integer"; "Integer")
                    DataItemTableView = sorting(Number);
                    column(ValueEntryBuffer__Item_No__; TempValueEntryBuffer."Item No.")
                    column(Item_Description; Item.Description)
                    column(ValueEntryBuffer__Invoiced_Quantity_; -TempValueEntryBuffer."Invoiced Quantity")
                        DecimalPlaces = 0 : 5;
                    column(ValueEntryBuffer__Sales_Amount__Actual___Control44; TempValueEntryBuffer."Sales Amount (Actual)")
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                    column(ValueEntryBuffer__Discount_Amount__Control45; -TempValueEntryBuffer."Discount Amount")
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                    column(Profit_Control46; Profit)
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                    column(ProfitPct_Control47; ProfitPct)
                        DecimalPlaces = 1 : 1;
                    column(Item__Base_Unit_of_Measure_; Item."Base Unit of Measure")
                    trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
                        if Number = 1 then
                        Profit :=
                          TempValueEntryBuffer."Sales Amount (Actual)" +
                          TempValueEntryBuffer."Cost Amount (Actual)" +
                          TempValueEntryBuffer."Cost Amount (Non-Invtbl.)";
                        if Item.Get(TempValueEntryBuffer."Item No.") then;
                    trigger OnPreDataItem()
                        SetRange(Number, 1, TempValueEntryBuffer.Count);
                trigger OnPreDataItem()
            SaveValues = true;
                        Caption = 'Options';
                        field(PrintOnlyOnePerPage; PrintOnlyOnePerPageReq)
                            ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                            Caption = 'New Page per Customer';
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies if each customer''s information is printed on a new page if you have chosen two or more customers to be included in the report.';
        trigger OnPostReport()
            if Customer.IsEmpty() and GuiAllowed() then
        trigger OnPreReport()
            FormatDocument: Codeunit "Format Document";
            CustFilter := FormatDocument.GetRecordFiltersWithCaptions(Customer);
            ValueEntryFilter := "Value Entry".GetFilters();
            PeriodText := "Value Entry".GetFilter("Posting Date");
            TempItemLedgerEntry: Record "Item Ledger Entry" temporary;
            CustFilter: Text;
            ValueEntryFilter: Text;
            PeriodText: Text;
            PrintOnlyOnePerPageReq: Boolean;
            Profit: Decimal;
            ProfitPct: Decimal;
            PeriodTxt: Label 'Period: %1', Comment = '%1 - period text';
            Customer_Item_SalesCaptionLbl: Label 'Customer/Item Sales';
            CurrReport_PAGENOCaptionLbl: Label 'Page';
            All_amounts_are_in_LCYCaptionLbl: Label 'All amounts are in LCY';
            ValueEntryBuffer__Item_No__CaptionLbl: Label 'Item No.';
            Item_DescriptionCaptionLbl: Label 'Description';
            ValueEntryBuffer__Invoiced_Quantity_CaptionLbl: Label 'Invoiced Quantity';
            Item__Base_Unit_of_Measure_CaptionLbl: Label 'Unit of Measure';
            ValueEntryBuffer__Sales_Amount__Actual___Control44CaptionLbl: Label 'Amount';
            ValueEntryBuffer__Discount_Amount__Control45CaptionLbl: Label 'Discount Amount';
            Profit_Control46CaptionLbl: Label 'Profit';
            ProfitPct_Control47CaptionLbl: Label 'Profit %';
            TotalCaptionLbl: Label 'Total';
            EmptyReportDatasetTxt: Label 'There is nothing to print for the selected filters.';
        protected var
            Item: Record Item;
            TempValueEntryBuffer: Record "Value Entry" temporary;
        procedure InitializeRequest(NewPagePerCustomer: Boolean)
            PrintOnlyOnePerPageReq := NewPagePerCustomer;
        [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
        local procedure OnAfterGetValueEntryOnBeforeTempValueEntryBufferInsertModify(ValueEntry: Record "Value Entry"; var TempValueEntry: Record "Value Entry" temporary)
    Hope this helps as well.
  • Suggested answer
    Inge M. Bruvik Profile Picture
    Inge M. Bruvik 32,748 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    Report for Multiple Tables
    You can find a sample repository on github here that should solve your linking issues
    I hope that helps you.
  • Suggested answer
    Report for Multiple Tables
    Can you please try this ?
    dataitem(CustLedger; "Cust. Ledger Entry")
        DataItemTableView = sorting("Entry No.");
        // Corrected syntax for DataItemLink
        DataItemLink = "Customer No." = field("No.");
        // ... other columns and properties
    dataitem(DetCustLedger; "Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry")
        DataItemTableView = sorting("Entry No.");
        // Corrected syntax for DataItemLink with multiple fields
        DataItemLink = "Cust. Ledger Entry No." = field("Entry No."), 
                       "Customer No." = field("Customer No.");
        // ... other columns and properties
    dataitem(SalesHeader; "Sales Header")
        DataItemTableView = sorting("Document Type", "No.");
        // Corrected syntax for DataItemLink
        DataItemLink = "Sell-to Customer No." = field("No.");
        // ... other columns and properties
  • Suggested answer
    Kamal Khakhkhar Profile Picture
    Kamal Khakhkhar 299 on at
    Report for Multiple Tables
    Hii There,
    As per your code you are not used dataset: dataitem is completed before its linked to eachother. so its not linked to eachother. for this you need to correct closing brackets and give this 3 property according to requirement.
    Thank You.
    kamal Khakhkhar

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