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For Security Issues in general see
For Security Issues on login see
David Musgrave [MSFT]
Escalation Engineer - Microsoft Dynamics GP
Microsoft Dynamics Support - Asia Pacific
Microsoft Dynamics (formerly Microsoft Business Solutions)
Any views contained within are my personal views and not necessarily Microsoft policy.
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Go Fast is bang on with that suggestion. Your solution works also! Glad you got it sorted.
Or, you could click OK to launch GP and then click around on the shortcuts etc. untill you get the error message again.
(I'm pretty sure the shortcut causing the issue would be displayed even tough it is security denied).
This is definately a security issue, but finding it won't be that easy. It could be a shortcut in the users home page that they do not have access to. First test, can you log in as 'sa' on that machine...without getting the error?
You are probably best to set a dexsql log to run while you log in, so that you can see exactly what is causing the problem. (If you aren't sure how to do this, let me know). With the log running, try and log in again as the user. When you get to the error message, do not click anything else (ie don't click OK to make the error message go away and continue), just go and locate the sql log which will be co-located with your dex.ini file. Open it and go to the last entry. This will tell you what product the error message relates to, along with whether it is a window or a report, and the window/report ID.
You can then run a query against the SY09400 using the values above to determine what rsource is cauing the issue. You can then eithre grant security access to this user, or remove the shortcut from their home page.
The query would be something like: select * where product ID = ? and windowid = ? and resourceid = ? ... I can't remember the exact field names but a select * against the table will tell you what they are.
Hope this helps.
What is the error message. Could you post a screen shot?
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