Hello! I work in Higher Education and I am hoping that someone can help. We have all of our prospective students in our CRM and they can send us their SAT/ACT test scores through a service and we can import them in to the system. The issue that I am running in to is that the address that can come through with the test score file, which is imported, is different from what we have in the CRM and actually the most updated address. Because the address is already populated on the record, the new address is not updating with the import. Can someone please point me in the right direction if there is away around this? Ideally we would want to review the potential duplicates where the Last name matches, first few characters of the first name match, and say DOB or email address (probably set up through a few different rules) but the address is different. Right now with our current rules, the score data is going right to the record and the address does not update. I have tried turning off the duplicate detection rules for imports but then the duplicate detection job that runs every night is not picking up the records. I am still new to the system and I really appreciate any and all help.
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