RE: Show N:N Relationships in views
Hi Yannick,
Nested Editable Grid can only display its child entity records, that is, the intersecting entity.
Let me take entities A and C as an example.
Entitiy A and C should have a N:N relationship, and I want show fields of Entity C on the view of Entity A.
So I created an Entity B, its relationship with Entity A is N:1, and its relationship with Entity C is N:1. (This way A and C are in N:N relationship)
Then, there are two lookup fields on the Entity B form, and they correspond to Entity A and Entity B respectively.
Add fields c1, c2 ,c3 of Entity C as columns on the view of Entity B.
Enable Nested Editable Grid for Entity A.
Finallly we can see fields of Entity C on the view of Entity A.