Please I need help.
There is anyone who can write a report that will show the following fields:
ItemlookUp Code Opening Quantity Transfer In Transfer Out Closing Stock
The first field, which is ItemLookUp Code show the codes of the item or bar codes.
Opening Quantity shows the first opening stock or quantity of items before actual sales of those items for the day. For example, today's 23/04/2014 and an item's quantity before sales is 10.
Transfer In shows that number of quantity of the item has been brought in respect to the item either through PO or other means of transferring the quantities for the item. For example, if the item is 4 and a Transfer In was made, say 7, then the final quantity is 11.
Transfer Out shows that number of quantity that was out in respect to the item during sales or POs to other stores. If 11 quantities of an item are present, and 10 is transfer out, then the remaining quantity item should be showed.
Closing stock is the quantity left at the end of the day in respect to that item.
Please can you write this report? I need help, please.
Thank you.
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please stop multi posting the same question over and over again. See you other posts for a response.
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