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Single refreshable view of data across multiple companies in BC in the cloud

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Hello Folks

I would appreciate some ideas about my query below please.

In an environment of BC in the cloud, we will have multiple separate companies.   In order to manage uniformity of set-ups and masterfiles, I would like to extract data across them all in a single refreshable view.   Having come from a Great Plains environment, we achieved this with SQL Views or Stored Procedures in combiantion with the Excel query functionality.   This enabled us to manage multiple companies with a simple 'refresh' click.  We then filtered by company database as needed.   We had a spreadsheet per table e.g. Customer masterfile, Vat setups or COA, etc

To be clear, I am not expecting to upload data back into BC - I just want to extract data preferably to Excel as it is the most practical tool to work with to manage data like this.

I understand that customisation would be needed to do this for BC in the clould.   What I'd like to know is if someone has done this already and how they approached this please.

Your time in replying to this is appreciated.

Thank you

  • Marmeduke8 Profile Picture
    Marmeduke8 on at
    RE: Single refreshable view of data across multiple companies in BC in the cloud

    Good day Josh and Steve

    Thank you for your replies.   I have passed this onto our technical guys.

    Appreciate your time

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Single refreshable view of data across multiple companies in BC in the cloud


    Adding to Josh's reply... One thing to consider is the Company Hub so you can see all the companies. I am attaching a small handout. Also, if I had to create an Excel report crossing multiple companies, I would look at Jet Reports or Power BI. Lastly, to maintain compliance and Master Data between companies, you might think about Master Data Sync APP, its FREE:

    Hope this helps.




  • Suggested answer
    JAngle Profile Picture
    JAngle 46 on at
    RE: Single refreshable view of data across multiple companies in BC in the cloud

    This is worth a read:

    Would mean exposing web services for each of the required pages that display the setup data you want. A guide for that

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