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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

CRM Upgrade from 2013 to 2016 JavaScript error

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I am getting an following error in JavaScript 1 which refers to JavaScript 2 function.



JavaScript 1:

fetchUserInformation: function () {
var UserId = Xrm.Page.context.getUserId();

var fetch = new OrbUtils.FetchHelper({
FetchTemplate: ['<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical">',
'<entity name="systemuser">',
'<attribute name="address1_country" />',
'<attribute name="orb_erpsystem" />',
'<condition attribute="systemuserid" operator="eq" value="#{userid}"/>',
, GenerateSchemaName: false
}).ExecuteSync({userid: UserId });

$.when(fetch).then(function (response) {
//var results = response[0];
Orb_MSCRM60Condair.Salesorder.UserInformation.setAttribute("isFetched", true);
if (response.length > 0) {
res = response[0]; 
var orb_erpsytem = res["orb_erpsystem"];
if (orb_erpsytem) {
Orb_MSCRM60Condair.Salesorder.UserInformation.setAttribute("orb_erpsystem", orb_erpsytem);

JavaScript 2:

OrbUtils.FetchHelper = function(b) {
    var a = this;
    this.__metadata = "FetchHelper";
    this.FetchTemplate = b.FetchTemplate ? b.FetchTemplate : "";
    this.CallBack = b.CallBack;
    this.Map = b.Map;
    this.GenerateSchemaName = b.GenerateSchemaName != null ? b.GenerateSchemaName : true;
    this.EnableGridPaging = b.EnableGridPaging;
    if (this.EnableGridPaging == null) this.EnableGridPaging = true;
    this.EnableGridSorting = b.EnableGridSorting;
    if (this.EnableGridSorting == null) this.EnableGridSorting = true;
    this.EditGrid = b.EditGrid;
    if (typeof OrbEditGrid != "undefined" && this.EditGrid == null) this.EditGrid = OrbEditGrid;
    this.ContinuationDelegate = b.ContinuationDelegate;
    this.ErrorCallBack = b.ErrorCallBack;
    this._CallBack = function(c, b) {
        if (b.arguments != null) b = $.extend({}, b, b.arguments);
        var d = b;
        if (b != null)
            if (b.NavigationData != null) a.NavigationData = b.NavigationData;
            else if (b.arguments != null && b.arguments.NavigationData != null) a.NavigationData = b.arguments.NavigationData;
        var e = a.CallBack,
            f = a.Map;
        if (f != null) try {
            c =, f, d)
        } catch (g) {
            OrbUtils.Trace("Error in Fetch Map Function", g, OrbUtils.EnumTracingLevel.Error);
            alert("There was an error in the map function. Check the console for further informations")
        if (e != null) try {
            e(c, d, b._startTimestamp)
        } catch (h) {
            OrbUtils.Trace("Error in Fetch Map Function", h, OrbUtils.EnumTracingLevel.Error);
            alert("There was an error in the callback function. Check the console for further informations")
        this.Results = c;
        return c
    this._internalCallBack = function(d, b, c) {
        if (b == null) b = {};
        var e = false;
        if (a.ContinuationDelegate != null) e = !, b._startTimestamp);
        if (b != null) b.isCompleted = true;
        if (e == false) {
            c = a._CallBack(c, b);
            if (d && d._results == null) d._results = c
    this.getFetchString = function(a) {
        var b = this.FetchTemplate;
        if (typeof this.EditGrid != "undefined") {
            if (a == null) a = {};
            if (a._COUNT == null) a._COUNT = this.EditGrid.gridNavigation.NavigationInfo.PageInfo_GetPageSize();
            if (a._PAGE == null) a._PAGE = this.EditGrid.gridNavigation.NavigationInfo.PageInfo_GetPageCount();
            if (this.EditGrid.gridNavigation.FilterType == OrbTypes.EnumNavFilterType.server && this.EnableGridPaging == true) {
                if (b.indexOf(" count=") < 0) b = b.replace("<fetch ", '<fetch  count="' + a._COUNT.toString() + '" ');
                if (b.indexOf(" page=") < 0) b = b.replace("<fetch ", '<fetch  page="' + a._PAGE.toString() + '" ');
                if (b.indexOf("returntotalrecordcount") < 0) b = b.replace("<fetch ", '<fetch returntotalrecordcount = "true" ')
            if (this.EditGrid.gridNavigation.FilterType == OrbTypes.EnumNavFilterType.server && this.EnableGridSorting == true) {
                var d = this.EditGrid.gridNavigation.GetAllFetchSortStrings();
                for (var c in d)
                    if (a[c] == null) a[c] = d[c]
        return (new OrbTemplate(b)).evaluate(a)
    this.ExecuteSync = function(e, b) {
        var c = this.getFetchString(e);
        if (b == null) b = {};
        var d = OrbServices.CrmService.Fetch(c, false, null, null, b, this.GenerateSchemaName);
        return a._CallBack(d, b)
    this.ExecuteAsync = function(e, c) {
        var d = this.getFetchString(e),
            b = c ? c : {};
        b._startTimestamp = (new Date).valueOf();
        var h = this._CallBack,
            g = this,
            f = OrbServices.CrmService.Fetch(d, false, function(c, b) {
                if (b && b.jqXHR) b.jqXHR._results = c;
                a._internalCallBack(b.jqXHR, b, c)
            }, null, b, a.GenerateSchemaName);
        return f

Kindly help. thanks for your help in advance. High Priority

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  • Suggested answer
    RaviKashyap Profile Picture
    55,410 Moderator on at
    RE: CRM Upgrade from 2013 to 2016 JavaScript error


    It appears that you are missing anther library altogether which contains OrbUtils.

  • Suggested answer
    Adrian Begovich Profile Picture
    1,019 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: CRM Upgrade from 2013 to 2016 JavaScript error

    Hi Aldous Huxley,

    The script error message mentions that OrbUtils is undefined at Orb_MSCRM60Condair.Salesorder.fetchUserInformation();.

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