Hello all,
in Sales , Purchases we have serial number and warranty dates are there in item tracking lines. but it is not available in Sales lines. how we can bring these 2 details in the report extension.
eg, how can we bring/modify those 2 fields into Posted Purchase receipt (Grn) and posted sales shipment.
reportextension 60002 "Sales - Shipment EMP Ext" extends "Sales - Shipment EMP" { RDLCLayout = './ReportLayouts/SalesShipmentDeliveryNotes.rdl'; dataset { // Add changes to dataitems and columns here add("Sales Shipment Header") { column(ShowUnitPrice; ShowUnitPrice) { } column(PostingDate_SalesShipmentHeader; "Posting Date") { } column(DocumentDate_SalesShipmentHeader; "Document Date") { } } } requestpage { // Add changes to the requestpage here /* layout { modify(ShowValue) { Visible = false; } }*/ } trigger OnPreReport() var WarehouseEmployee: Record "Warehouse Employee"; begin WarehouseEmployee.Init(); WarehouseEmployee.SetRange("User ID", UserId); If WarehouseEmployee.FindFirst() then ShowUnitPrice := false else ShowUnitPrice := true; end; var ShowUnitPrice: Boolean; }
Thankyou all