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sales contract management

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is there an add-in for sales contract managemet for customers, managing the contract, recurring sales invoices, etc. ?

is it possible to adopt service contract module for that? how can that be done?

  • keoma Profile Picture
    keoma 32,675 on at
    RE: sales contract management

    i know naturally my post and like it. ;-) but this is a specific solution only for recurring sales invoices.

    more interesting is the question, if the service module or an addin can be used to get a sales contract managament with according (recurring) invoices, especially for lending purposes.

    i worked long time with the service module, seems, that it can be used for that purpose, also for lending.

    additional blanked sales orders are an interesting base for that purpose ... with some changes. in that case the premium license is not needed.

  • Suggested answer
    JAngle Profile Picture
    JAngle 46 on at
    RE: sales contract management

    binary stream recurring billing is an add-on handling this scenario.

    If you have the premium license then service contract mgt. could be used but might be deemed as inflexible in parts. The plus point with this method is that there is a routine that can be added to the job queue for creating invoices off the contracts. The down side being that the invoices are produced to cover defined periods and you will get a line per period and possibly per service item, depending on the setup. If you are trying to bill for a single thing that covers a specified amount of time the service contract invoices might look a bit ugly to the end customer.

    A scenario I like for this type of situation is jobs. Mostly down to the fact it can handle different types of billing logic. You would simply need to run the "Create Invoices" batch job with a date filter and then the invoices go into the sales area of BC and look much more sensible. Possible modifications are needed or use of API to create regular job planning lines.

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