I have setup a workflow for customer card whenever the credit limit of the customer is changed by a user it send for approval and the approver receives an email notification.
But how can I let the approver knows what was the previous value and to what it changed to?
Personally, I think it would be easier to use Power Automate now. For example, you can ask the user to enter a new credit limit when submitting the process, and write it into the BC table after approval. The value before approval can also be obtained during the process.
Although not exactly the same, here is a simple example that I hope will give you some tips.
the approver could take a look at the customer card to know what the current credit limit is before approving the request. Also the requestor could explain why it is requested via a separate email to include the old and new value.
The workflow is just a way to enable system to capture the request and approval information, it won't capture all desired details. A customization will work but consider if the investment is absolutely needed.
I think you need to go for small customization on customer card and approval work flow email notifications, Like you need to provide one more decimal field so that whenever you change the credit limit it stores that current value in new custom field and in the approval notification just add that custom field as well when system is sending the approval notifications, You need to consult with your developer on this.
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