I'm following https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/commerce/dev-itpro/retail-store-scale-unit-configuration-installation#configure-a-new-commerce-scale-unit, based on directions from https://github.com/microsoft/Dynamics365Commerce.ScaleUnit/tree/release/9.36/src/ScaleUnitSample.
Because my dev machine (whereon I will be running + debugging a Commerce Scale Unit) is not Internet-accessible, I believe I have to follow the on-prem steps. According to the docs, this requires me to:
On step 5 I run into the issue that there is no File storage option listed. Can anyone suggest what I need to do to proceed? My goal is to get an .xml file which I can feed to the tasks.json in VSCode so that my dev CommerceScaleUnit will have the data from my HQ in the cloud.
Anything unusual/special you did to deploy HQ? What HQ version are you using and how did you deploy it?
Can you navigate to https://PutYourHq/?cmp=USRT&mi=RetailCDXFileStorageProvider
and add there something like this
and then try again?
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