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Marketing forms not shown in Wordpress website

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I'm trying to add our marketing forms to our Wordpress website. I have whitelisted it against the domain I'm trying to display it in and the form seems to be working in the preview version (Wordpress). But as soon as I publish the page it's a blank white space.

Following the tips mentioned on didn't help.

Did anyone manage to publish a marketing form on a wordpress website? If so, what are your tips & tricks? 

Kind regards,

  • Daphne Tollenaar Profile Picture
    Daphne Tollenaar 45 on at
    RE: Marketing forms not shown in Wordpress website

    Hi Clofly,

    Thanks again for your reply. I have tested with 'Insert HTML Snippet' plugin but still I am only able to see the form when logged into the website as an administrator. We're currently on wordpress version 5.2.3 - so that shouldn't be the issue.



  • Zenmarc Profile Picture
    Zenmarc 25 on at
    RE: Marketing forms not shown in Wordpress website

    Hi Daphne, I am using Marketing form with my WordPress website on Cloudways managed WordPress hosting platform, Using HubSpot all in one marketing form, I have never faced this type of issue. Check your WordPress version and supporting version of marketing form, Many times the reason for not showing is a conflict of the versions.

  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Marketing forms not shown in Wordpress website

    Hi Daphne,

    I'm concerned about whether you solved the problem.

    During this time I have been seeking a free wordpress hosting provider and finally got one.

    Now I recommed you work with a plugin called Insert Html Snippet

    with this plugin, you can directly insert HTML code to your page or post content block, and it's separated with PHP code,

    so just copy and paste whole generated javascript code when in HTML editing mode in page/post editing page.


    page with embedded form


    It works well from my test.

    Hope it helps. :)



    Please kindly mark as verified if the answer is helpful, it would be greatly appreciated and would help other users with the same problem.

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Marketing forms not shown in Wordpress website

    Hi Daphne,

    Currently there is only nginx on my server, I will try to get a free wordpress hosting server to test.



  • Suggested answer
    Ondra Svejdar Profile Picture
    Ondra Svejdar 10 on at
    RE: Marketing forms not shown in Wordpress website

    The form-loader script has the "defer" attribute on in - meaning it will be executed at the end of document render. In the meantime there is another marketing tracking script without the defer attribute that relies on this script being executed first. I.E. if you remove the defer from this it will be working:

    <script src=" defer></script>

  • Daphne Tollenaar Profile Picture
    Daphne Tollenaar 45 on at
    RE: Marketing forms not shown in Wordpress website

    Hi Clofly,

    Our pages are indeed php files. However, creating plan .HTML web page wouldn't have my preference because it would practically touch all our pages.

    Do you work with a Wordpress website?

    Kind regards,


  • Daphne Tollenaar Profile Picture
    Daphne Tollenaar 45 on at
    RE: Marketing forms not shown in Wordpress website

    Hi Kuzey,

    It concerns the following URL: [View:]. It contains 2 forms - but only the standard wordpress form shows. 

    Below a screenshot of the preview version where you can see 2 forms:

    •  Wordpress "Gravity forms"
    •  Marketing app form


  • RE: Marketing forms not shown in Wordpress website

    Hi Daphne,

    If you could share the URL, we could take a look what's blocking the form load.

    Alternatively, you could also email the URL to me if that's more preferred.


  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Marketing forms not shown in Wordpress website

    Hi Daphne,

    Firstly please open F12 developer tool and check what error it gives in console.

    Due to many of Wordpress pages are php file, so have you embedded your form in a php file?

    And as the tutorial you mentioned:

    - check whether Wordpress has similar settings like "RemoveScript" in its folder or in GUI system settings

    - any special characters in script are escaped by Wordpress

    My suggestion:

    You could create a plain .HTML web page without Wordpress control code(not in Wordpress .php files) and add a link on home page or any other page that navigate visitors to it.

    I tested sucessfully in my own server, which home page is just a plain html file.



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