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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Manufacture order applied routing values

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I'm trying to get the applied routing values per manufacture order.

WR010130 table does not give the applied expense values.
MOP1010 gives the total values for machine and labor.

How can I get the applied details of machine and labor?


Imad Kassoumah

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  • Imad Kassoumah Profile Picture
    Imad Kassoumah 3,235 on at
    RE: Manufacture order applied routing values


    MOP1002 it just register the total of all machine and labor code values.

    I'm looking for the detail of these totals.


  • Imad Kassoumah Profile Picture
    Imad Kassoumah 3,235 on at
    RE: Manufacture order applied routing values

    Hi Harry,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I know how to get a list of tables used by any form. This form display the total value of Machine. There is more than one table containing the sum value but what I'm looking for is the detail of machine values per MO.

    I was unable to figure out which table contains the detail. Any idea?


  • Redbeard Profile Picture
    Redbeard 12,931 on at
    RE: Manufacture order applied routing values


    There is a tool in Dynamics GP called Resource Descriptions, which helps identify where in Dynamics GP information resides. The Resources Description tool can be accessed through the following navigation: Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Resources Descriptions... From there you can select Tables, Fields or Windows, as the option to access this information.  So, if you know the table, and want to know the details about it, then you start with Tables. In this case, you know the window, Manufacturing Order Variance. So, start with Windows.

    Here is where things get tricky. In order to find this specific window, you need to know that Dynamics GP Manufacturing was once a 3rd Party Product. The proper selection options in this window are as follows:

    Product = Manufacturing

    Series = 3rd Party

    View By = by Window Display name

    You can then browse/scroll down to the Manufacturing Order Variance line and double click on it, below you will receive a list of 'Window Fields' and 'Tables' used by the Manufacturing Order Variance window.

    You can then use the Tables list to find the data that populates the window.  In this case there are a number of TEMP tables, which means they are available only when the window is populated, and therefore will not be available to provide you with the data contained therein.


    There are a number of blogs and other resources on the Internet, which contain information about table structures, data sources, transaction flow, etc. Some are correct, some are not, some are incomplete, others are out of date. The Resource Descriptions tool is never wrong, and matches the current version of Dynamics GP you are using, so it is the best source of information available.  I highly recommend becoming proficient in its use.

    In this case, it may very well prove out the detailed data you hope resides in the database is being calculated only temporarily when reports are run, windows are refreshed or posting is processed.

    If this proves to be the case, you will need to use the source tables to perform the same calculations performed by the system when the temp tables are created. 

  • Imad Kassoumah Profile Picture
    Imad Kassoumah 3,235 on at
    RE: Manufacture order applied routing values


    I'm not using Data Collection.

    I created several machine codes and specified the cost per unit.

    I created several labor codes and specified the cost per unit.

    I created several operation setups (per work center) and selected the required labor and machine codes per work center.

    I created several pointer routings.

    I connected each produced item to a pointer.

    When I make a manufacture order the system will calculate all the concerned machine and labor values from the pointer depending on the produced quantity.

    Now, if you go to Manufature Order Variance inquiry you will see the total value of Material, Labor and Machine.

    I founf that MOP1010 register the above total values. what I'm looking is the detail of Labor and Machine used values.

    The system is generating a Journal Entry of the Labor and Machine values in detail. I'm almost sure that the detail is registered somewhare in the Manufacturing tables but where?.


  • RE: Manufacture order applied routing values

    Hi Imad,

    Just to add valuable suggestion made by Harry if you are looking for the WIP details of Material, Labor & Overhead its available on MOP1002 have you tried this.

  • Redbeard Profile Picture
    Redbeard 12,931 on at
    RE: Manufacture order applied routing values


    If you are using Data Collection to record labor transactions, then the detail labor data you're looking for is contained in the SF010115 table. If you are use Time Entry, then the data is located in the SF010600 and SF010601 tables.  Here are a couple of queries to get you started.

    -- Labor Detail when entered in Time Entry Window

    select * from SF010600 TEH

    left join SF010601 TED on TEH.DCHDRNUM_I = TED.DCHDRNUM_I


    -- Labor Detail when entered in Data Collection Window





          when 1 then 'Direct_Labor'

          when 2 then 'Machine_Cost'

          when 3 then 'Indirect_Labor'


    End Entry_Type   

    ,DCT.EMPLOYID Employee_ID


    ,LCD.COST_I ShopRate

    ,DCT.ELAPSEDTIME_I Elapsed_Time


    ,DCT.FIXOVERMARK_I Fixed_Overhead

    ,DCT.Variable_Overhead_Amount Variable_Overhead

    ,DCT.PIECES_I Pieces

    ,DCT.REJECTS_I Rejects

    ,DCT.PIECECOST_I Piece_Cost

    ,CONVERT(varchar(10),DCT.ACTUALFINISHDATE_I,101) Finish_Date

    from SF010115 DCT

    left join LC010014 LCD on DCT.LABORCODE_I = LCD.LABORCODE_I


    Where DCT.DATAENTRYTYPE_I in (1,3)


    Here is a link to a post, which might be useful as well.

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