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Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavXmlNode variable not initialized. error

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I have code developed to ECB exchange rates. Codeunit is complied without error.
but I am getting this error
Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavXmlNode variable not initialized.
Please help me with correction code.
The code is for ECB to XML to BC table (currency exchange rate)
Please help with comment on this.
Warm Regards
  • KK-20050817-0 Profile Picture
    KK-20050817-0 54 on at
    Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavXmlNode variable not initialized. error
    Please check the code and help me with 
    codeunit 50122 "CustomJSON ExcRate Service"
        SingleInstance = false;
        Subtype = Normal;
        trigger OnRun()
            Message('Exchange rates updated successfully.');
            //  ImportXML('');
            gHttpClient: HttpClient;
            HttpResponseMessage: HttpResponseMessage;
            ResponseText: Text;
            CurrencyExchangeRate: Record "Currency Exchange Rate";
            BaseCurrencies: List of [Text];
            TargetCurrencies: List of [Text];
            ECBApiUrl: Text[250];
            gXMLDocument: XmlDocument;
            XmlNodeList: XmlNodeList;
            gXmlNode: XmlNode;
            xmlAttrCol: XmlAttributeCollection;
            xmlAttr: XmlAttribute;
            Rate: Decimal;
            TargetCurrency: Text;
            i: Integer;
            retmessage: Text;
        procedure FetchMultipleExchangeRates()
            BaseCurrency: Text;
            RateAttr: Text;
            IsParsed: Boolean;
            ECBApiUrl: Text;
            HttpResponseMessage: HttpResponseMessage;
            ResponseText: Text;
            gXmlDocument: XmlDocument;
            XmlNodeList: XmlNodeList;
            gXmlNode: XmlNode; // Ensure gXmlNode is defined here
            XmlElement: XmlElement;
            xmlAttrCol: XmlAttributeCollection;
            xmlAttr: XmlAttribute;
            TargetCurrency: Code[10];
            Rate: Decimal;
            I: Integer;
            CurrencyExchangeRate: Record "Currency Exchange Rate";
            TargetCurrencies: List of [Code[10]];
            BaseCurrencies: List of [Code[10]];
            xmlbuff: Record "XML Buffer";
            // Initialize base and target currencies lists
            // ECB API URL for XML exchange rates
            ECBApiUrl := '';
            // Make HTTP GET request to XML API
            if gHttpClient.Get(ECBApiUrl, HttpResponseMessage) then begin
                // Read the response as text
                // Parse the response text into XML document
                // Parse the response text into XML document
                IsParsed := XmlDocument.ReadFrom(ResponseText, gXMLDocument);
                if IsParsed then begin
                    // Initialize XmlNodeList before using it
                    XmlElement := gXmlNode.AsXmlElement();
                    // Try to cast gXmlNode to an XmlElement
                    XmlElement := gXmlNode.AsXmlElement();
                    if gXmlDocument.SelectNodes('/gesmes:Envelope/xmlns:Cube/xmlns:Cube/xmlns:Cube', XmlNodeList) then begin
                        // Iterate over each node to extract currency rates
                        foreach gXmlNode in XmlNodeList do begin
                            // GPT comment: gXmlNode is now initialized by the foreach loop
                            // Initialize XmlElement from gXmlNode
                            XmlElement := gXmlNode.AsXmlElement(); // GPT comment: Initialize XmlElement from gXmlNode
                            // Access XML attributes directly
                            xmlAttrCol := XmlElement.Attributes(); // GPT comment: Initialize xmlAttrCol with attributes from XmlElement
                            I := 0;
                            // Iterate over attributes to find currency and rate
                            for i := 1 to xmlAttrCol.Count do begin
                                if xmlAttrCol.Get(i, xmlAttr) then begin
                                    // GPT comment: xmlAttr is initialized from xmlAttrCol.Get(i, xmlAttr)
                                    // Check for 'currency' attribute
                                    if xmlAttr.Name = 'currency' then
                                        TargetCurrency := xmlAttr.Value;
    if xmlAttr.Name = 'currency' then
                        TargetCurrency := xmlAttr.Value;
                                    // Check for 'rate' attribute
                                    if xmlAttr.Name = 'rate' then
                                        if Evaluate(Rate, xmlAttr.Value) then begin
                                            // Check if the target currency is one of our desired target currencies
                                            if TargetCurrencies.Contains(TargetCurrency) then begin
                                                // Insert or update the exchange rate in Currency Exchange Rate table
                                                if CurrencyExchangeRate.Get('EUR', TargetCurrency, Today) then begin
                                                    CurrencyExchangeRate.Validate("Exchange Rate Amount", Rate);
                                                end else begin
                                                    CurrencyExchangeRate.Validate("Currency Code", TargetCurrency);
                                                    CurrencyExchangeRate.Validate("Starting Date", Today);
                                                    CurrencyExchangeRate.Validate("Exchange Rate Amount", Rate);
                                                Message('I m inside 2 cu');
                                        end else
                                            Error('Failed to convert rate for %1', TargetCurrency);
                            XmlElement := gXmlNode.AsXmlElement(); // GPT comment: Initialize XmlElement from gXmlNode
                    end else
                        Error('Invalid XML structure for exchange rates.');
                end else
                    Error('Failed to parse XML response.');
            end else
                Error('Unable to retrieve data from the exchange rate API. Status Code: %1', HttpResponseMessage.HttpStatusCode());
            XMLBuffer: Record "XML Buffer";
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 78,032 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavXmlNode variable not initialized. error
    Hi, have you tried to debug?
    This seems to be a code problem. I suggest debugging it first to find out which variable has the problem.
    Hope this can give you some hints.
  • Suggested answer
    gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 14,573 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavXmlNode variable not initialized. error

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