Hello, I have a custom table 'Assignments', here all assignments are related to one technician (1, 2, 3 and 4) and to one type ('placing', 'delivery', 'measuring' and 'after sales service'). 'Technician' and 'Type' are a look up field in the 'Assignments'-table to the custom tables 'Technicians' and 'Assignment Types'. I added the Calendar Control V2 to the View of the 'Assignments'table to show the assignments in a calendar view.
I want to filter the records in this calendar on two possible values: 'technicians' (all, techn 2, techn 2, techn 3 and techn 4) and 'assignment type' (all, 'placing', 'delivery', 'measuring' and 'after sales service').
The standard filter-icon in the top right corner of my model-driven can't be changed without an error while using this CalendarControl. Creating a different view for every occasion wouldn't work as I would need 25 or so views to cover all occasions.
I was looking towards the filter activity-type as used in the standard-table activity (see screenshot). Is there a way I can add this to my custom-table?
Using this CalendarControlV2 the filter icon is still visible, but i would rather not use this as 15+ clicks need to be done te set up this filter. I have a PCF calendar installed as well in my environment, but this doesn't show the filter-icon in model driven.