I get two buttons in my product-subgrid after I changed my app to Unified Interface. I get to buttons in the product subgrid, both "add quote line" and "add product" show.
Can anyone tell me the difference between these buttons? There's also a default script that fails when I try to add a new qoute line. I have attached the log file.
- Silje
Script Error:
Invalid JavaScript Action Library: /_static/_common/scripts/CommandBarActions.js is not a web resource and is not supported.Session Id: 22f7cd5d-1055-4595-b8e1-9ed82432fbccCorrelation Id: ef22a36c-2cd6-43be-a85d-25c0a4fdd7e6Time: Wed Mar 04 2020 13:36:58 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
Log File:
Error: Invalid JavaScript Action Library: /_static/_common/scripts/CommandBarActions.js is not a web resource and is not supported.
at xxx.crm4.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at Array.map (<anonymous>)
at Object.execute (xxx.crm4.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at xxx.crm4.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at O._executeAsyncAction (xxx.crm4.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at O._executeAsync (xxx.crm4.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at O.executeAction (xxx.crm4.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at t.dispatch (xxx.crm4.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at xxx.crm4.dynamics.com/.../app.js