The above is all I can find for /self-paced/ MB-800 exam study/prep.
I've completed all modules over the past 2 weeks, earned all badges/trophies after completing each modules /Knowledge Check/ but is this all there is to know to be prepared for certification exam MB-800?
I ask as when I look further to ensure I'm not missing anything needing to study and be exam ready, I came across this page.
When you filter the left hand side to PRODUCT /Dynamics 365/ and then /Business Central/ and ROLES filter to /Functional Consultant/ it shows way more content that's NOT listed as study details on the previous official exam prep page.
I really don't want to miss any details in preparation for this, nor do i want to waste initial time studying details that aren't specifically relevant to the exam. Any guidance is appreciated.
Looking for "definitive" self-paced Dynamics 365 BC Certification Training Content
Thanks for your informative reply. It does appear that your provided link does summarize all the details that the MS Learn page(s) offer albeit more concise.
I'm in a transition period and am looking to "re-tool" my existing skills be becoming certified and proficient with BC.
The MS Learn modules for this MB-800 certification exam do offer hands-on steps and knowledge checks assuming you can register for a trial BC instance to take advantage of the "hands-on" deployment you've mentioned.
Sadly this will expire soon and I'll request an extension while I study so's not to lose the ability to have hands-on while studying for the exam.
You've not directly answered my question but I can summize that the link I'd shared initially, and it's modules product study listed, are all that's required to study for this exam.
Thanks for your feedback and guidance, it's appreciated.
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