Steps for manual uninstall
1. Uninstall the SL client through Add/Remove Programs. If the item is not removed from the Add/Remove Programs list, or if the uninstall fails, please continue through the following steps.
2. Delete the swimapi.dll and capicom.dll files in the \WINDOWS\system32 folder (if they still exist after the uninstall).
3. If you previously had Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 installed on this computer, delete the following files if they exist:
4. Delete any Solomon.ini file found on the computer . By default the solomon.ini should be found in the following path in the user's profile:
\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Microsoft Dynamics SL\
Note As the solomon.ini file existed in other locations in previous versions of SL, please review the following Bemis document that describes the other locations that the solomon.ini file might exist in:
2005087 Troubleshooting where to find the Solomon.ini file in Microsoft Dynamics SL
5. If the computer in question only has the SL client installed, disconnect the mapped drive on the computer that points back to the SL program files on the server.
6. Open Start-->Run and type in Regedit. Make a backup of the registry.
7. In the Registry Editor, please delete the following keys/entries if they exist:
**Depending on the version of SL that was installed, the version listed in each registry key below may vary.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics SL 7.0 Feature Pack 1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics SL 7.0 Feature Pack 1 Client
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics SL Feature Pack 1
The following registry keys are for the SL related entries in the Add/Remove Programs list on a 32-bit OS. If for some reason the uninstall does not remove the SL items out of the Add/Remove Programs list, deleting the keys below will manually remove them:
8. Restart the computer.