Hello Martin,
yes that's it. Sorry for my poor English.
I don't know how to subscribe to these events.
I read full of posts you made on it but didn't find any answer i can use.
If i didn't make mistake in my code, i tried += eventhandler() with no success because i don't understand how to get the link between the dll and x++ for the events.
I'm going to try to explain what i mean :
c# is coded like this :
ctiObj = new CtiServerConnector.Control();
ctiObj.CstaAlertingEvent += new CtiServerConnector.Events.CstaAlerting(ctiObj_CstaAlerting_Event);
With :
public delegate void CstaAlerting(string agentNum, string refCom, string caller, string called, string clientCode, string callerStr, string calledStr);
void ctiObj_CstaAlerting_Event(string agentNum, string refCom, string caller, string called, string clientCode, string callerStr, string calledStr)
refComAlerting = refCom;
myDebug("\r\nCstaAlerting : Agent=" + agentNum + " ref=" + refCom +
" caller : " + caller + " called : " + called + " clientCode : " + clientCode +
" callerStr : " + callerStr + " calledStr : " + calledStr);
I don't know how to get the same thing in x++ because of the CtiServerConnector.Events which has no accessible code.
Maybe have you an idea ?
Thanks a lot for your help