I work with an IT company, and one of clients has CRM, they have had some college student managing it for them. Well the student got busy and doesn't want to help anymore, so now our client is having an issue with it, and we can't even get in. I have access to the server that CRM is located on. and I opened up Microsoft Dynamics CRM Deployment manager, and under deployment administrators our username and the default Administrator domain logins are both there. But when I go to the crm website. (crm.ourclientname.org/clientname) there's a sign in page, but the credentials I have just don't work(our account.)
As well, when I go to Email Router Configuration Manager, and I click on Users, Queues, and Forward Mailboxes, i try hitting load data and it says "The email router configuration manager was unable to retrieve user and queue information from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server."
I checked under configuration profiles, and these are the settings
Profile Name: Exchange-Outbound
Protocol: SMTP
Email Server: exchange
Authentication Method: Anonymous
Access Type: Local System Account.
As far as CRM goes, I really don't know what I am doing at all, this is the only client we have on CRM, and we haven't had to support it up until this point, we didn't set it up, we didn't learn about it while it was being set up, etc.
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
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