I am using MS Dynamics SL 2011. AP check batch printed and released but voucher is open in vendor maintenance. How can I fix that?
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I am using MS Dynamics SL 2011. AP check batch printed and released but voucher is open in vendor maintenance. How can I fix that?
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Mark's response is likely the cause. I suspect that the user printed the checks and got the keep checks screen and simply closed it instead of clicking begin processing. If you open the check update screen and press F3 on the batch number and a batch shows, select it and click begin processing. If a batch does not show, go to the release AP batches screen and see if a batch shows there with an S status. If so, select that batch and try releasing it. If that gives you a message saying to look at the event log, do so and that will tell us what the batch suspended.
I would review the voucher in the Document Maintenance screen. On the Document Details tab, look for the Doc Balance field at the far right. It should be $0 if the voucher was fully paid by this check batch. Also look for the Period Closed field. If it has a value, that means the voucher was paid & is closed.
If the Doc Balance is greater than $0 and the Period Closed is blank, then this voucher is still open.
I would also run a check register for this batch of checks and look for this check and the related voucher(s) that it paid.
Did you do the Keep process after printing the checks? Go to Accounts Payable - AP Check Update and hit F3 in the batch field? Is there a batch there?
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