Hi I am trying to get a PCF solution I downloaded to work found here:
I followed the instructions (I think) but must be doing something incorrect? Not sure if anyone else has used this.
I imported the unmanaged solution and published everything
I opened my form
I created a section, single column.
I created a field called MSAAttachment that is a single line of text with 255 characters
I added this field to the column
I opened the properties and added AttachmentUpload control and made default for all three types (phone, Web, Tablet)
I set the ControlNameForRefresh to my field MSAAttachment (The instructions say name of the grid?? How do I add a grid for this, what do I tied it's datasource to? or am I misunderstanding what is being suggested)
I checked "Hide Default Control"
I Set the field to not show label
I saved everything and published it. But I just get an error "Error Loading the Control"
Can anyone tell me where I'm doing something wrong?
Error log just says:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'raw' of undefined
at AttachmentUpload.init (webpack://pcf_tools_652ac3f36e1e4bca82eb3c1dc44e6fad/./AttachmentUpload/index.ts?:44:84)
at t._initializeControl (https://<my domain>/uclient/scripts/5.js?v=1.4.1024-2006.4:1:157358)
at https://<my domain>/uclient/scripts/5.js?v=1.4.1024-2006.4:1:146079
at https://<my domain>/uclient/scripts/app.js?v=1.4.1024-2006.4:3976:731
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at https://<my domain>/uclient/scripts/app.js?v=1.4.1024-2006.4:3976:720
at https://<my domain>/uclient/scripts/app.js?v=1.4.1024-2006.4:3976:736
at Object.Au [as unstable_batchedUpdates] (https://<my domain>/uclient/scripts/vendor.js?v=1.4.1024-2006.4:17:79908)
at O (https://<my domain>/uclient/scripts/app.js?v=1.4.1024-2006.4:3976:554)
at T (https://<my domain>/uclient/scripts/app.js?v=1.4.1024-2006.4:2630:1066)
Activity Id: 9c080047-afc4-4b07-83f4-5777cb7eb660