Hi Yun , thank you for your answer , my problem is not how to retrive and upadate the exchange rates .
The problem is to post from the same order different purchase receipt with different exchange rates linked to the posting date, is it possible? Is there any setup to consider?
In my test the exchange rate is linked to the document date field not to the posting date , and to update the document date it's mandatory to reopen the order
Hi, just adding some information, since the exchange rate cannot be entered manually, this needs to be maintained in advance in Currencies, you can also use an external service to update the exchange rate daily.
The system already does that automatically, if you have everything setup correctly:
The foreign exchange rate on a Purchase Order is based on the Posting Date field on the Purchase Order. Whenever you change the posting date, the system will automatically change the exchange rate as well to match that new date. It takes the exchange rates from the Currencies Page.
when you post a receipt from a purchase order, the posting date of the receipt will be based on the posting date of the purchase order
so if you create a purchase order with posting date x, if you post the receipt, it will also have posting date x. If as in your example, a lot of time passes from the creation of the purchase order to the posting of the receipt, you would for example change the purchase order posting date to y, then the purchase order will have the updated y fx rate, and the receipt will also have the y posting date and expected cost would use the y fx rate
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