I want to know if I can customize the appearanse of invoice in MS Dynamics GP 10.0. any driections, or advise is appreciated.
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I want to know if I can customize the appearanse of invoice in MS Dynamics GP 10.0. any driections, or advise is appreciated.
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Hello Richard,
I wish to customize the sales cash receipt journal. My challenge is that the picture icon on my toolbox window within report writer isn't appearing. Am running GP 2013.
Any ideas please.
Thanks for all your help.
I've never used eConnect, but my understanding is that it's a great way to bring in that kind of data, especially if it's in another system.
thanks Richard. one more question. does eConnect work for project accounting? adding customers,staff, projects, and timesheet
You can add pictures, but I think a watermark is asking a bit much of the old Report Writer. To add a picture, locate the toolbox window (usually shows up on the left of the screen) and click the "picture" icon (third row of icons, far left, looks like 3 mountains with a lake in front). Then, click where you want to put the picture in your report. A pop-up with a list of pictures will show up.
To add a new picture (like, for example, your logo) you'll need to have it saved to your clipboard before you add the picture. For specific instructions, open the report writer help and search for "add picture".
As far as saving; if I remember correctly, when you opened the report in the Report Writer you automatically generated a new file in the "modified reports" section. Click the "Reports" button in the Report Writer toolbar & you should see your report (same name as the original, but it's in the "modified reports" section). You'll need to use the security settings to point GP at this report definition (rather than the stock one you normally use).
Richard, I was able to get the report almost the way I want. One thing I need to accomplish is to add a watermark of the compay logo as the background. not sure how to do it. The most important thing is not sure how to save the changes I made to the report. I don't see any options to save. please advise. thanks.
Thank You Richard. I'll give it a try.
It depends on what you want to customize, and what interface you
want to use.
To open the report writer, choose an invoice (I'm assuming you're using sop), press the "print" button, then tick the "invoice" checkbox on the Sales Document print Options screen. Next, press "print".
In the Report Destination window, choose "Screen", then click OK.
Ok, now your Invoice report is showing. In the menu bar, click "Tools" then "Customize", then "Modify Current Report". Your invoice report will now show in the Report Writer window. You'll want to check out the documentation for the Report Writer from here...
One thing to
note; once you have the report modified, you'll need to change your
security settings (in Great plains) to point to the modified report.
At least, that's what you had to do back in the 7.5 days...maybe it
does it for you in 10.0?
For a more custom look, including the ability to add some "intelligence" to your report, you'll want to use Crystal Reports & build the report from scratch.
All this assumes, of course, that you have the right permissions to make these changes.
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